Friday 26 August 2016

Waltham Forest Libraries future

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

The Future of Walthamstow's Libraries: Wood Street and Higham Hill Response from Waltham Forest Council

A number of residents have been in touch with me regarding reports circulating online about possible closures to local libraries. I have asked Waltham Forest Council about this and received the following response:

"I can reassure you that Waltham Forest Council have no plans to stop providing a library service in the Wood Street area of the borough. The Council is committed to continuing to fund eight libraries in the borough, of which one serves the Wood Street area. What the Council is proposing to do is consult with residents and other stakeholders on a proposal to relocate both Higham Hill and Wood Street libraries to more modern and accessible locations in the locality where it will be possible to provide better and more flexible services in more economic premises. In the case of Wood Street, the Council will be consulting on moving the library service from the current library to a new building providing retail, other public services and residential accommodation on Marlowe Road.

[...] The Council is committed to providing at least as good services from the new location as from the current library. This would include hosting the reading group and other activities for people of all ages and abilities including ensuring the new library is better for people with disabilities, but in a modern building that can adapt more easily to changing demands than can the current library.
The Council is about to launch an eight week consultation in which it will meet with local people to outline what is proposed and to hear views on these proposals as well as asking for people to respond to a survey. Details of meetings and the survey will be promoted in the library and on the Council's website. The Council is committed to all residents still living within 1.5 miles of a Library Local e.g. in the Wood Street area"

As and when I have further details of this consultation I will circulate these- if you are interested in this issue please do contact your local Councillors to let them know your views. 

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