Monday 5 December 2016

Mini Holland 5-12-16


5000 against MH

London's Traffic the worst

NICE Recommendations

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

BreathE17 Campaign: Anti-Idling Cars Council Workshop 

In the coming year tackling the quality of air in our local community is a key campaigning priority for both myself and the local council. One action the Council is seeking to address to improve the quality of air in our area is the habit of idling in stationary vehicles, often outside schools.  They have recently adopted anti-idling legislation and council officers will be issuing Fixed Penalty Notices to those who fail to comply. However, alongside enforcement action where necessary, they want to work with local residents to provide greater awareness of air quality issues and to influence a change in behaviours. They are therefore keen to engage the help of local volunteer residents to work on an anti-idling initiative that is being rolled out over the coming weeks.

The Council is planning to run a training workshop on Tuesday 6th December at 7pm to brief volunteers in preparation for targeted action days in key areas outside of schools working alongside our neighbourhood officers. The workshop will take place in rooms 2/2A of the Town Hall. If you would like to be part of this work please RSVP to Cllr Clyde Loakes on  cllr.clyde.loakes@walthamforest.gov.uk

From LCRN:

Two-wheel Takeover: Bikes Outnumber Cars for the First Time in Copenhagen

Copenhagen has reached a milestone in its journey to become a cycling city – there are now more bikes than cars on the streets. Can other cities follow?  In 2015, 35,080 more bikes have joined the daily roll, bringing the total number to 265,700, compared with 252,600 cars.   In London, figures show the gap between bike and car use is getting narrower. Data from Transport for Londonsuggests the number of commuters travelling through the heart of the city during rush hour could soon exceed the number of vehicles on the streets.   The number of cars entering the city during the morning peak hours fell from 86,000 to 64,000 between 2004 and 2014, while bikes rose from 14,000 to 36,000. That’s two cars for every bike – and if trends continue, more people will be cycling than driving into central London during the morning rush hour in 2019. But London’s cycling infrastructure needs to catch up... read more from The Guardian

News from Nowhere Club


News From Nowhere Club
invites you to our next meeting on
Saturday 10th December 2016
MPs & Government Ministers!
How to Arm-Twist Them
Speaker: Ron Bailey
‘They may act like they're invincible, but they're not. They may think they can ignore you & do what they want willynilly, but you can stop them. They say politics is about power & it can be: NOT their power but the power YOU can have. Are all politicians the same? Well, they can be when they've got their arm twisted behind their back & held damn firmly by YOU.  I can tell you a few methods of doing this.  Things I‘ve done. Things that had one MP's wife on the phone to mine for half an hour begging her to get us to stop our campaign 'against her poor husband/MP.' Things that prevented another MP from referring to me without a hurl of abuse because I organised 50,000 leaflets to be put through every door in his constituency accusing him of actions that helped rape to happen - & most importantly, things that made them back down! Remember - they want you to get fed up & go away. Don't give them what they want!’ Ron is Head of Parliamentary Affairs, Sustainable Energy Association. He lived in Leytonstone many moons ago.
Venue: Epicentre, West Street E11 4LJ (Stratford or Leytonstone tube & 257 bus)
7.30pm Buffet
8.00pm Talk
All welcome / free, just turn up / enquiries 0208 555 5248
The News from Nowhere Club meets
on the second Saturday night of each month.
2017 programme available from roskane@btinternet.com
or 0208 555 5248

Town Centre Roadworks

Walthamstow Town Centre traffic direction changes

I suppose this is the best time to change the traffic flows in the Town Centre just as the christmas rush is building up!

Join Civic Voice

Perhaps you know someone who would appreciate a subscription to Civic Voice for their Christmas present.

Join Civic Voice

Christmas at Vestry House Museum

Father Christmas, family Christmas crafting, unique gifts, festive food and more...
View this email in your browser
Vestry's Victorian Family Christmas
Tuesday 13 December
Vestry House Museum

Vestry Road, Walthamstow
London E17 9NH
4pm - 7pm
£3.50 per child to visit Father Christmas.

Celebrate a traditional Victorian Christmas at Vestry House Museum. Visit Father Christmas in a magical grotto, receive a traditional Victorian gift and make Christmas crafts. Enjoy mulled wine, mince pies and special Christmas offers in the museum shop featuring the E17 Designers.
Find out more on Facebook
Copyright © 2016 Vestry House Museum, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you signed up to Vestry House Museum's mailing list.

Our mailing address is:
Vestry House Museum
Vestry Road
LondonE17 9NH
United Kingdom

StowXmas map

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

We17 Post Brexit Community Support Project: 

StowXmas Business Map Launch 3 December  

I'm delighted to announce that on the afternoon of the Saturday 3rd December we will be launching the StowXmas business map at the Tramworks in Central Walthamstow as part of Small Business Saturday. Walthamstow is full of great shops and traders who make fantastic gifts- this map has been created with the support of local designers and Wood Street Walls to showcase these businesses and encourage residents buy their festive gifts locally to support Walthamstow's economy. The map also doubles up as a poster to display to show your support for your local community and for this initiative. You can also access this resource online from 3 December too.

I'm grateful to East and Co, Tramworks and Parker Diaries who have kindly sponsored its production and to the milkmen who will be helping distribute it around Walthamstow in the coming days. This project was created by the We17 group to provide support for local businesses whose sales may be affected following the vote to leave the European Union - if you would like to be part of this group and attend the launch on the 3rd December as well as help distribute copies of this map around Walthamstow please do get in touch. 

Hi Adrian,
Can you help us spread the word about #StowXmas and so support our local small businesses this festive season?
#StowXmas is a map which has been produced to showcase many of our great traders in Walthamstow and to encourage residents to buy their gifts and treats locally.

It was created by We17 campaigners following the vote to leave the European Union, to help address concerns that our local economy and traders could suffer and can also be found online.
We are now asking local schools, faith organisations, community groups and stores to help us distribute this map locally. If you or your organisation would be willing to help – whether by handing out to pupils, displaying them in your premises or giving them to attendees at your group- please do reply to this email.
Furthermore, on Saturday 10th December the We17 group are are holding a ‘StowStory’ social event.

This afternoon will bring together members of the many different communities who have found a home in our area to tell their story about how they come to Walthamstow. It is intended to help support community cohesion and all Walthamstow residents are welcome to attend- if you would like to join this social event please do let me know and I will send further details.
Thank you in advance for your support in helping Walthamstow at this uncertain time to stay strong and stay together,
Stella Creasy MP
Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow 

p.s. Please do also share the #StowXmas map online via www.stowxmas.com on your social media

Art at St Mary's

Advent(Us) Calendar - Art's Project at St Mary's Church Seeks Volunteer

For the first 24 days of December, the St Mary’s Arts Collective at St Mary’s Church in Walthamstow Village has teamed up with experimental artist Gary Stewart to turn the South wall of the ancient church into a huge digital advent calendar. Each day, a new digital projection will be revealed, combining work from local artists alongside the words, pictures and dreams of the people of Walthamstow, united in their belief that, after a year of distressing news, another world is possible.

In addition to the huge projections on St. Mary’s church wall, Advent(us) will be brought to life by a series of music, art and cultural evening events in the church, which are all free and open to all comers of any age. This unique project is seeking volunteers, artists and sponsors to help make it happen - if you would be interested in taking part in this project you can register your interest by emailing stmarysartscollective@gmail.com

Friday 2 December 2016

Higham Hill Library update

Hi all  

I'm just sending out some information about an event that we are organising this coming Sunday 4 December as part of the We Love Higham Hill Library campaign to save our much-loved community library.  This is to all non-Facebook friends!

It was opened on Sat 5 December 1931, so this weekend will be its 85th Birthday!

Join us to celebrate as follows - 

1.45pm  Meet outside the library for the presentation of a commemorative blue plaque

2 - 4pm  Celebrate with mulled wine, mince pies and cake at Priory Court Community Centre

We will meet and mingle - plus there will be children's activities, placard-making, speeches and we will have some UEL students with us who are doing a community project and hope to film anyone who would like to speak about the library.

Would love to see you there - please let your friends know about the event too.

Best wishes, Susan

Campaign information

We have an online petition - please sign and share.  You can access it from the FB page We Love Higham Hill Library or via this link https://www.change.org/p/save-our-libraries-we-love-higham-hill-library      

Please also share this widely throughout your friends and any of your networks.  

We have a website called  www.welovehighamhilllibrary.co.uk  and we are also on Twitter.