Friday 17 March 2017

Leyton Sports Ground Update


This is short update on the following areas.
Changes to Leyton Sports Ground Management Committee
After five years as chair of LSGMC, I have decided to stand down. At its meeting last week, the committee agreed that Sajid Patel will be the new chair, with Margaret Augustin continuing as vice chair.
Sajid has been an enthusiastic member of the committee for the last two years and is a co-founder of the National Cricket League (NCL), which plays many of their matches at LSG. I am sure he will make an excellent chair.
I would like to pass your email details to Sajid so that he can send you future LSG updates. Please let me know within the next seven days if you do not want me to do this
A new resident representative for the committee will now need to be appointed. If you live in the Leyton Ward and would like to register an interest in this position, please initially contact Sajid (sajidpatelncl@gmail.com).
Heritage Lottery Fund Bid
The Council made a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) bid in September 2016, which was unfortunately unsuccessful. The Council has obtained feedback from the HLF and will be submitting another bid in June 2017. The new bid will focus on the cricket pavilion and the tin hut (the single storey building near the main entrance to the site).
Tyler McGill (Interim Heritage Programme Manager) is working on this bid and further consultations will shortly take place with residents, local businesses and community groups.
If you want any further information or would like to make any comments, please get in touch with Sajid.
In closing, thank you for your interest in LSG.

Pete Towler                                                                                                                                                                                                                (0208 558 4748)

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