Friday 17 March 2017

Traffic Speeds around Lloyd Park

Dear Residents,

I’m including you as someone who has expressed an interest in this set of issues, is on our resident mailing list or has emailed me on this issue. Please do let me know if you don’t receive these updates and I will make I remove you from the mailing list.

Last Saturday we had a very useful meeting – thank you to residents, Chapel End Councillors, Paul and Louise and local police for coming to discuss this set of issues.


We talked about the traffic situation in the Lloyd Park area and note a number of problems:
·        Speed bumps not working and needing replacing
·        Rat running increasing in the area
·        Speeding, made worse by the number of parked cars and one way systems
·        Insufficient signage for the 20 MPH zone and for cycle routes
·        Bad driving  and parking around schools at peak times (idling, parking on markings, double parking)
·        Poor visibility at certain junctions
·        Poor crossing points for pedestrians
·        Aggression towards cyclists

What we can do

We agreed that this set of issues needed more exploration with residents to really identify how widespread they are. Councillors asked residents to use the attached form to ask residents about their roads and return these to Councillors so we can use this to build a case for improvement measures.  If you would a chat about approaching your neighbours and need more help please call me. We can also coordinate ask parents around the school gates. I will confirm details on this.

We agreed Local Police will ask for resources to take action at speeding hot spots – this might include Brettenham, South Countess, Winns, Forest Road.

Councillors will update residents and will ask for formal and technical monitoring to be done by the Council as a first step to building the case for further measures. In the first instance, I will ask for monitoring to be put in the place at the mini roundabout at South Countess and Winns Ave so that we can improve the crossing.

Please do share this with other residents. I will post up on facebook.


Councillor Grace Williams
Tel: 07957 680 337

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Working for the William Morris ward

My monthly surgery is from 10 am – 11 am on 1st Friday of the month at the Salvation Army Thrift Shop at 434 Forest Road
Our next ward forum is in March – please check Waltham Forest Council’s website for details.
To join our William Morris ward resident email list please email, letting me know you want to be added.

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