Friday 22 September 2017

Walthamstow Gateway

Walthamstow Gateway in the station car park beginning to rise!

Leyton Marshes

Hi everyone
While we managed to convince the London Borough of Waltham Forest that the Waterworks Centre and surrounding land should not be rezoned for housing, it is still designated as a 'possible regeneration opportunity' in the revised version of the Lea Valley Eastside Vision. And, far more worryingly, the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA), who own the land, have announced that they do definitely plan to develop it (https://leevalleyicecentre.commonplace.is/about). I think this is wrong, and I am asking for your help to fund a court case to stop them.
To find out more about our legal plans, and to support our case, please go to: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-the-lvrpa-developing-metropolitan-open-land/
I hope you can help.
With thanks for all your support.
Abigail Woodman


I'm writing to thank everyone who has supported our CrowdJustice campaign so far (www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-the-lvrpa-developing-metropolitan-open-land/). We reached our initial target of £1750 in under one week. What a way to send a message to the LVRPA: we won't let you sell our green open spaces! 

£1750 will help us pay for the initial work on a case and pay court fees. A stretch target has now popped up, and we'll keep the page open for donations, but I'll be back in touch with more information about the next steps - and what we need to raise to achieve them - as soon as the LVRPA makes its next move.

I hope you all have great weekend. You are amazing, and I really can't thank you enough for the support.


Abigail Woodman started this campaign on the 38 Degrees Campaigns by Youwebsite. If there's an issue close to your heart that you'd like to campaign on, you can start your campaign here.

Town Centre Redevelopment

After an an initial cock up by the planning department the correct notice has gone up in the Town Square dated the 20th September. The one in WFN states the 18th September but who is arguing over 2 days! The reality is instead of the closing date for objections being July it is now extended to 11th October. What that tells us is nothing! These large planning applications always take ages to come to the Planning Committee. We now need to whip up real objection to this rubbish scheme which even Labour Party members don't like!

Interestingly Hightide is taking over the Town Square now for 2 weeks but that won't be possible in the future if the plans for reducing the open space are allowed to go ahead!

Town Centre Redevelopment

Town Centre Plans

CIC to CIO Conversion

CIO conversion

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has announced that legislation to allow charities and community interest companies to quickly convert to charitable incorporated organisations has been put before parliament. The new legislation will allow community interest companies and charities with company structures to quickly convert into CIOs from January. This follows a recent consultation on the proposed changes by the department.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Hightide Festival

Hightide Festival

Opening Night

Town Centre being taken over by Hightide Festival - won't be able to do this once Capital & Regional build all over the open space! (if they ever get planning permission!).

Travellers in Wood Street

About a week or so ago Travellers moved into the old Dairy site in Wood Street. True to form they filled the site with loads of rubbish and then left! Today I noticed the owners had decided not to get caught a second time and have put in some suitable deterrents! I can't see if the rubbish had been removed.

Before Travellers visited!

After Travellers left

Planning Update

Strettons - have they moved?

Town Centre

A curious sign appeared in the Town Centre indicating that the Mall was a listed building! It appears to be a mistake as the planning department says the correct one will appear tomorrow (Wednesday) so look out for it. No date yet when the Mall's plans go to the Planning Committee.

Holy Family - Vinegar Alley view

Progress is fast these days of metal frameworks!

Marlowe Road - Wood Street

Walthamstow Gateway - Station  Car Park

Friday 15 September 2017

Waterworks Centre update

Hi everyone
While we managed to convince the London Borough of Waltham Forest that the Waterworks Centre and surrounding land should not be rezoned for housing, it is still designated as a 'possible regeneration opportunity' in the revised version of the Lea Valley Eastside Vision. And, far more worryingly, the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA), who own the land, have announced that they do definitely plan to develop it (https://leevalleyicecentre.commonplace.is/about). I think this is wrong, and I am asking for your help to fund a court case to stop them.
To find out more about our legal plans, and to support our case, please go to: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-the-lvrpa-developing-metropolitan-open-land/
I hope you can help.
With thanks for all your support.
Abigail Woodman

Abigail Woodman started this campaign on the 38 Degrees Campaigns by Youwebsite. If there's an issue close to your heart that you'd like to campaign on, you can start your campaign here.

You received this email because you signed the petition 'Stop the Council's plan to build on Leyton marshes'. If you don't want to receive emails from the 'Stop the Council's plan to build on Leyton marshes' campaign in the future

Harry Bitten

Sad to report that Harry Bitten has died at the age of 92. He and Ken Hoy spent their lives campaigning to protect Epping Forest and encouraging children and adults to appreciate and understand it. Hopefully the next generation will feel equally passionate about the forest and will continue to ensure its protection and proper maintenance.

Harry Bitten

Friends of Epping Forest

City of London


September 2017
Waltham Forest News
Last chance to have your say - survey closing soon!
We’re counting down the days to the close of our consultation on the big decisions about your borough - and there are just two weeks to go.  Whether your priority is affordable housing, cleaner streets, tackling loneliness or something very different, we want to know.
We’ve met hundreds of residents at our roadshow over the past month, who have told us what they want from the borough and how the Council can help to make it happen. If you haven’t told us what you want yet, then please don’t miss your opportunity. Your views are important and it will only take a few minutes get your voice heard. Complete our short survey online by Friday 29 September.  Visit:www.walthamforest.gov.uk/conversation
Help us be London Borough of Culture
It’s been just over a month since we put in our bid for our vibrant, creative and unique community to become first London Borough of Culture. Our talented residents, thriving arts scene and delightful parks and open spaces give this borough a unique identity worthy of the title.  Tell us what makes the borough great for you. Post, tweet, sign up, and help us make Waltham Forest the first Borough of Culture.www.wfculture19.co.uk
David Bailey to judge Love Whipps Cross Photo Competition
Deadline day for entries to our Whipps Cross Hospital photo competition, judged by celebrity photographers David Bailey and Jimmy Lee, is fast approaching. (13 septmber at 12 noon). Send in your photos showing what Whipps Cross Hospital and Waltham Forest mean to you to: media@walthamforest.gov.uk with the subject line ‘The bigger picture for Whipps Cross’.  Win a pair of return flights to Madeira or four tickets to Leyton Orient and have your photo displayed on the walls of Whipps Cross Hospital. The competition forms part of our campaign to transform Whipps Cross into a world class health and wellbeing campus.
Welcome to first Syrian refugee family
Walham Forest is to welcome the first of ten Syrian refugee families to the borough next month. The Council has committed to taking in the families in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria. The commitment comes as part of the UK Government’s Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme that aims to resettle 20,000 people. Read more about the scheme online.
High Tide is coming
Walthamstow Town Centre will play host to the first High Tide Festival from 26 September to 8 October. A programme of live performance presenting the UK’s most exciting new theatre writers. Book your tickets for High Tide. 
Break Tha Cycle
Local organisation Break Tha Cycle is running a six week series of free workshops for young people aged 12-25 as part of Black History Month 2017 starting 9 September. For more information email info.breakthacycle@gmail.com

You received this email as you gave us permission to use your email address (adrian.stannard@btinternet.com) to send you news from Waltham Forest Council.

Brexit Meeting

Brexit.jpgHi Adrian,
Tonight, the UK parliament will vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill.

As someone who has been in touch with me regarding Brexit I wanted to let you know I will be voting against this bill.

This bill would give the Government the power to change laws through small committees of MPs, without asking Parliament to approve these measures.

As the Government have sought to use such committee structures before to secure controversial laws - such as removing student maintenance grants, changing tax credits and extending fracking- their pledge not to exploit these powers does not withhold scrutiny.

I believe this bill is so ill thought out and bad for our democracy that it should be rejected outright - Brexit cannot be used an excuse for such a power grab by our executive.

Despite there being less than 20 months to go before we leave the European Union, the Government continues to refuse to provide information about their negotiations on Brexit or to involve the public in responding to the proposals about our future relationship with Europe.

Join our Walthamstow event on Brexit and the economy.

To help address this democratic deficit and involve Walthamstow residents in these debates, residents have organised the first of our local seminars on Brexit and the economy on Thursday 21st September at 6.30pm.

Join our Walthamstow event on Brexit and the economy.

We will be hearing from national experts as well as local residents and at the end of this event residents will then identify their priorities for the Brexit negotiations which I will commit to raising in Parliament - its free for any Walthamstow resident to take part so please do share this invitation with anyone else interested in this subject. 

Join our Walthamstow event on Brexit and the economy.

If you don't receive my weekly updates which include details of the ongoing discussions on Brexit in parliament please sign up for my weekly e-newsletter here. 

Stella Creasy MP
Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow

p.s. Keep upto date with what is happening in Parliament by signing up to my weekly e-newsletter here.

Tree Charter

Celebrate with us 
Many of the 60,000 stories that helped define the Principles of the Tree Charter reveal how trees fire the imagination, stimulate the senses, and inspire poetry, photography and art. Many more speak of the enduring power of woods and trees from folklore, fairy tales and literature. It is vital that we recognise the powerful cultural impact of trees and woods, and ensure that we do not lose our connection to this rich and important heritage.

Join us at Lincoln Castle on 6 November to celebrate the launch of the Tree Charter, and a new beginning for trees, woods and people.

Matt Larsen-Daw, Tree Charter Project Lead
Make history with us
The Tree Charter is launching at Lincoln Castle on 6 November 2017, and we’d love you to be there. Find out more about this landmark event and other celebrations around the UK.
Arts, heritage and trees Judy Ling Wong of the Black Environment Network reflects on how the Tree Charter is rooted in our rich cultural heritage, and how it will carry it forward into the future.
HS2: have your say
Better protection for important trees and woods is one of the 10 Tree Charter Principles. HS2 Phase 2a will seriously impact ancient woods and trees – please voice your objection.
Charter Artists: Treefolds
Rob and Harriet Fraser are half way through their Tree Charter Artist in Residence project to build three dry stone treefolds in Cumbria. The second has just been finished.
Engaging local communities
Hirwaun and Penderyn Community Council Charter Branch share their top tips on how to work together to engage your local community with the Tree Charter.
The cultural value of treesMark Chester, of the Consulting Arborist Society, explains why we should do more to value the cultural heritage of our trees and woods.
© 2015 Charter for Trees, Woods and People

Photograph(s):  Matt Larsen-Daw/WT Media Library; Rob Fraser; Hirwaun and Penderyn Community Council; Sarah Rouse