Friday 27 October 2017

Planning Apps

Only one of consequence this week. The web site is as usual barely working and the plans have not been loaded properly but it appears protruding balconies are planned. I suggest you write objecting as these always look an eyesore as they are used for storage instead of pretty boxes of flowers. Protruding balconies are also not compatible with the mainly Victorian architecture of the area. 5 storeys is excessive.


201 High Street, E17 7BH

Demolition of existing cafe (Class A3) and residential unit (Class C3)and construction of five storey building comprising ground floor retail unit (Class A1) and 8 x residential units (Class C3) comprising4 x 1 bed and 4 x 2 bed units including projecting balconies with balustrades to front and flush balconies to rear with access door at front ground floor level. Provision of cycle and bin storage at groundfloor level.

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