Friday 27 October 2017

Walthamstow Wetlands Open

Walthamstow Wetlands Open

At last the wetlands is now open and today was heaving with visitors. If you drive the car park can accommodate about 70 cars and will cost £2. But why bother as the 123 bus stops outside and Tottenham Hale station is a short walk away. The Coppermill is still being renovated so it will be sometime before the viewing gallery will be open. The Engine House is open as a cafe and shop, but as it was heaving I did not try out the catering but weaved my way through the crowds and found it very quiet and peaceful away from the entrance. The reservoirs the other side of Forest Road are also open and as I have never visited this area that will be the destination for my next trip! It is extraordinary this wonderful area has just been for the anglers for so many years!

And don't forget to use the Ferry Boat Inn..........

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