Thursday 26 March 2020

Hylands Road, Upper Walthamstow

Planning Application: 192987

Land at Hylands Road Walthamstow London E17 4AL

This site is on the boundary of the Borough adjacent to Epping Forest just off Forest Road.

The Hydro in the 1960s was a meeting room and before that a general store. Before that there was a Hydro health home or Sanatorium on the site where children were born. Before that it was Fern Hill house.
Shared by sue Nisbet

What is planned?

Demolition of existing buildings and construction of three buildings ranging from 4 to 9 storeys in height, comprising 120 affordable residential units with associated disabled parking spaces, cycle parking facilities, landscaping and refuse stores.
The proposals include:
  • The proposal is to build around 120 new affordable homes on the site, all will be available to rent.
  • The proposals include a mixture of one, two and three bedroom apartments.
  • 12 of the homes will be fully accessible
  • Landscaping including play space for pre-school age
  • Secure cycle storage within the building for all residents
  • Nine parking bays for use by people with blue badges
  • Solar panels will be fitted on the development
Who is doing the work?
Sixty Bricks will be managing the development of the scheme.



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