Friday 24 April 2020

EMD Redevelopment

At last the redevelopment of the cinema in Hoe Street, Canon, Granada or EMD, which ever you prefer, looks as if it might go ahead but who knows as the world has completely changed in the last few months!

Anyway you can find the plans on the council's web site at:

Canon Cinema

LBWF EMD Regeneration

A quick synopsis

Restoration and alterations to existing Grade II* listed building, i)including the reinstatement of front gable feature, together with the erection of three storey side and part two, part three storey rear extensions to facilitate the change of use from mixed-use assembly andleisure (Use Class D2) and drinking establishment (Use Class A4) to a mixed use (Sui Generis use class); comprising of a Theatre, together with Retail (Use Class A1), Restaurant and caf� (Use class A3), Drinking Establishment (Use class A4), Education Facility (Use Class D1) and Assembly and Leisure facilities (Use Class D2).

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