Friday 24 April 2020

Nita Villa and Dellwood update

Due to the coronavirus the planning committee meeting was held via video conferencing and as per the Planning Officer's recommendation it was REFUSED! It is rare for the officers to recommend a refusal  but in this case the world had moved on and Mini Holland destroyed any opportunity to develop the site as the Highways department has decided its entrance is too near the new Whipps Cross interchange. So we have something positive from Min Holland!!

Interestingly the minutes show the following which would indicate no Tory turned up!

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gray, Littlejohn, Pye and Rayner.

Councillors Strathern, Terry and te Velde were present as substitutes.

Councillor Strathern was nominated as Chair for the meeting.

Officer's Report

More Info

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