Friday 27 November 2020

Local Plan Update 1

Here are a couple of presentations that might help you understand the planning system a bit easier. They are "idiot's guide" to the current LBWF Local Plan Consultation and to the National Planning Process.


PLANNING a brief guide





Friday 20 November 2020

Action 4 Whipps


Action4Whipps Updates

It was reported to the last meeting of A4W that the Margaret Centre, the hospice run by Barts as part of Whipps Cross hospital, is not ring fenced and could be replaced by 6 dedicated beds in the new hospital. This makes no sense as the Margaret Centre, currently 11 beds,  is a separate building away from the noise and disturbance of the main hospital, which provides a tranquil location for palliative care and end of life care.

Barts' argument is people want to remain in their homes at the end of their lives. True that may well be but it is often not practical. If the dying person lives on their own or their partner is too frail to cope a hospice is a vital alternative. I have known 3 people whose lives ended at the Margaret Centre and they had the most wonderful care and as good an end as they could wish for. Our neighbour, a person living on their own in a small bed sit flat, ended his days in St Jospeh's as it was not practical to nurse him in the confined space of the upstairs flat.

If Barts will not continue to support the hospice then they should allocate sufficient land on the Whipps site so that a new hospice can be built and terminal care provided in a pleasant well staffed environment.

Come and join the group to ensure the Whipps Cross Hospital site is developed to meet the needs of residents rather than to satisfy the needs of the financiers.


Commonplace - Town Hall Campus

 You have know doubt seen the notices about a consultation regarding the Town Hall Campus. It appears to be a new consultation tool. 

LBWF Commonplace

On further examination it is supplied by 


We want to work with local people to transform the area around the Town Hall into a new neighbourhood celebrating culture and heritage, creating new affordable homes as well as exceptional green spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Our approach to delivering the shared vision is driven by a number of design principles that will ensure that the objectives of the Council and local people are met and exceeded. These principles will help form an inclusive community and neighbourhood for all and create a place that considers the history and heritage as well as the needs of a civic space for generations to come.
Whilst there are some aspects of the design where there is less opportunity for influence due to planning requirements and conditions that have been set by the Council and external bodies, there are many that you can have influence over and we would really like to hear your views!

It has been running for awhile, but as the bulldozers have already moved in it seems a pointless exercise to ask residents what they want when clearly the contracts have been awarded! Surely, before you embark on a muti-million pound development, you design the scheme properly and ensure that those paying for it, i.e. the residents are aware of what you are planning and in agreement. Oh I forgot that has never been Waltham Forest Council's way of doing things. Consultation means telling residents what their money is being spent on! Let's hope this is not taking us to bankruptcy as has happened with other local authorities.

Homebase Update 9

Previous Blogs 

The Planning Committee meeting is expected in December or January. To book your slot to speak follow this link

Planning Committee

LBWF Family and Homes Hub 2 - Further Consultation



Previous Blog info

Another consultation to report back about comments made to the first consultation about the new building for the old Wood Street Library site.

Tuesday 8th December 18.00 to 19.00

Order Your Ticket Here

WF People's Assembly


An invitation!

People Power & Community Democracy

Saturday, November 28th, 10:30-13:00 (online)

Dear Waltham Forest resident or community group member,

Our last People’s Assembly on 31st October had been prompted by the start of the consultation period for the Local Plan, Waltham Forest Council’s planning framework for the next 15 years.  We discussed the question of "How can local citizens and groups work together strategically to make sure that the Local Plan is informed by and reflects their interests and vision?". We heard from various local groups that run campaigns to change or stop the building developments on certain sites included in the plan. The discussions that followed made two things very obvious: For one, a large part of the local public is not aware of the Local Plan and what it means for the borough. The second point is that the plan was drawn up before the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about major changes in our lives that require a re-consideration of the Plan. As the public is only given until 14 December to engage with and comment on this very complex document  we would like to dedicate this next assembly also to the Local Plan and to the question: 

“How do we show the Waltham Forest Council 

that a Pause to the Local Plan is right and necessary?”

We think asking the Council for a pause will give more people a chance to express their views on the plan and contribute to a vision of Waltham Forest that works for us all.

Adrian Stannard from the Waltham Forest Civic Society will give us a briefing on the Local Plan and how we can best convey your views on and ideas about the Local Plan to the council. You can find one of Adrian’s informative presentations, “Planning for Whom?” at the bottom of this webpage.

Find more information about People’s Assemblies, sign-up details, and information about  up-coming related events further below.

We are looking forward to addressing this important issue together with you in a lively and constructive discussion.  

With kind regards,

Waltham Forest People’s Assembly

How to sign up:
Please use 
this form to sign up and to let us know whether you would like to provide a short, ca. 5-minute, presentation on your local group or campaign. We will send a link to the online event to people who’ve signed up with this form.

If you have any questions or would like to help organise the assembly please feel free to contact us if you have any questions: walthamforestpeople@protonmail.com 

You can also find us on Facebook: here

Please spread the word:

This will be an inclusive and diverse assembly representing as many residents and groups as possible. Please circulate this invitation as widely as possible. You find the Facebook event here.

Other Related Events

We would like to draw your attention to the following events and information:

Waltham Forest Council Local Plan Public Engagement Events

During the consultation period Waltham Forest Council offers the following events to find out more and give feedback about the Local Plan. The discussion during the People’s Assembly should provide attendants with facts and ideas to use these meetings effectively. 

For questions regarding the plan you can contact Jessica Cargill Thompson, Community Engagement Officer, Waltham Forest Council / E jessica.cargill-thompson@walthamforest.gov.uk / M 07435 998 440 or the Planning Policy team at planning.policy@walthamforest.gov.uk

Monday 23 November 2020, 7pm to 8.30pm

Virtual event focusing on North Waltham Forest

Book your free place 

Tuesday 24 November 2020, 7pm to 8.30pm

Virtual event focusing on South Waltham Forest

Book your free place 

Wednesday 25 November 2020, 7pm to 8.30pm

Virtual event focusing on Central Waltham Forest

Book your free place


Tuesday24 November,  7.30pm

Meeting of the New Whipps Cross Hospital Sustainability Group,
As design for the new Whipps Cross Hospital is taking shape, the group campaigns to ensure it is the best our generation can give to the future, for our communities and for our planet, and to inspire our whole community towards sustainability. Speakers at the forefront of their fields will discuss how a building’s design, and access to green space affects our wellbeing.


Would you like to learn how to facilitate a People’s Assembly? If so, there will be a free, 2 hour online training on Monday 23rd Nov 6-8pm, and Thursday 26th Nov 10am-12pm. Please use this link to register. There are other dates and times on this link for different sessions which also are worth looking at if you’d like to learn more community organising skills.


What is a People’s Assembly?

A People’s Assembly is a democratic process of allowing the wisdom and good judgement of a group of people to be listened to and acted on. It is a well-established method of discussion and decision making which gives everyone present an equal voice. 

People’s Assemblies have a long and successful history. Originating in the Global South, they were at the heart of several revolutionary movements in Latin American and Africa. From Rojava in northern Syria to Spain and Senegal, people are using assemblies to govern themselves. Locally, assemblies are happening in Hackney and Haringey as part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

How does it work?

First, the local community is invited to participate in the assembly (see ‘how can I be involved?’) This is your invitation!

The assembly process:

Stage 1:
A diverse range of people (local citizens, experts, etc.) provide ‘input’ through testimonies and/or presentations.

Stage 2:
The assembly then splits off into smaller groups to discuss and deliberate. 

Stage 3:
The groups reconvene to share the outcomes of their deliberation. 

Stage 4:
Participants shape these results into action points, including whom to work with to implement the outcomes.

All stages of the assembly are facilitated in order to ensure equality of voice and adherence to basic ground rules during discussions.

How can I be involved? Choose one or more!

  1. You can participate in the assembly! You will listen to the speakers, deliberate in your group and contribute to the outcome of the assembly.

  1. You can volunteer to provide input as part of Stage 1. 

  1. You can spread the word about this assembly! The more people we reach, the more representative and democratic the process will be. Share here

Who are we?

The first people’s assembly was initiated by members of Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest, a global grassroots movement that wants to see meaningful action being taken on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. But the questions for the second People’s Assembly arose from the discussion among a wide range of members of the local community. The decision to dedicate the next assembly to the Local Plan is both a continuation of previous discussions and a response to an urgent local issue.  We welcome everyone who would like to help with organising these assemblies. 

Our Vision 

We want to create regular, functioning People's Assemblies to create a space for all members of our community to have an equal voice, to express their opinions freely and to be heard without being judged or  hampered by bias. It will be a principle of the Assemblies that they are conducted in a fair manner, taking into account that we all speak from different circumstances, yet share the aim to work for our common good.  

Epping Forest


Message from City of London - Epping Forest Consultations

Dear Mr Stannard,

Following the successful establishment of the Epping Forest Consultative Committee in 2017, which has considered and helped shape matters of Epping Forest policy for the last three years, we are pleased to announce under the Committee's Terms of Reference that it is now time to invite Expressions of Interest from representatives of user organisations who wish to take part for the next three years.

A full copy of the agreed Terms of Reference can be read here

If you are a member of a group or established organisation that uses the Forest, and wish to nominate a member of your organisation to represent you, please email epping.forest@cityoflondon.gov.uk with the following, no later than 7 December 2020:

  • name and contact details of your organisation
  • name and contact details of nominated representative
  • membership numbers, plus details of further affiliations if appropriate
  • geographic area of interest (if only part of Epping Forest), plus subject interest (eg sports, heritage, conservation etc.)
  • a copy of your organisation’s constitution and details of legal status (e.g. registered charity)

As our office is not currently open due to COVID-19 restrictions, electronic responses are preferred. 

Kindest regards, 

Epping Forest Administration Team

92 Leyton Green Road

 Work is about to start at 92 Leyton Green Road to build a 5 storey block. Interestingly, although a council site, they wanted to build social housing on it but the costs didn't add up, so it will have no affordable housing but a contribution will go towards extending Belmont Park Special School.

Ian Visits

 Here is an interesting web site for things to do during lockdown and once we are back to normal whatever that will be!


Thursday 5 November 2020

Local Plan - how to respond


Follow this link to the Consultation page and register. Then select which document you want to comment on then follow the instructions to leave your comment.

Comments by 14th December

Part 1 - Policies

Part 2 - Site Allocations

More info - Site Allocations

The following are some extracts which might help you to focus on the areas to comment on:

Golden threads underpinned by a robust growth agenda: 

1. Increasing housing delivery. Creating liveable places. 2. Ensuring growth is sustainable and supported by infrastructure. 3. Building on the unique strengths of the borough and carrying forward its cultural legacy. 4. Promoting the economy to improve life chances for all residents, students and workers. 5. Protecting and enhancing the natural and historic environment. 6. Ensuring land optimisation and driving investment and wealth into the borough. 

The Inspector will want to know whether the Council has met the legal requirements for the preparation of a Local Plan and whether it meets what are known as the 'tests of soundness' set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. Thank you for your interest and participation.

1.4 This Plan will be used to promote, shape and manage growth in Waltham Forest for the next 15 years. Policies in the Plan set out how the Council will seek to achieve an appropriate balance between physical, social, economic and environmental protection in the Borough for the benefit of all residents and stakeholders

National Policy
1.8 All Local Plans are required to be consistent with the national policy set out within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).The NPPF sets out the principles and objectives that are required to underpin approaches to plan-making and development management. Central to this, within the NPPF is the “presumption in favour of sustainable development” 

1.11 The Local Plan must also be in ‘general conformity’ with the London Plan, and where appropriate, take account of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG).The Mayor of London produces other strategies to sit alongside the London Plan.