Thursday 5 November 2020

Local Plan - how to respond


Follow this link to the Consultation page and register. Then select which document you want to comment on then follow the instructions to leave your comment.

Comments by 14th December

Part 1 - Policies

Part 2 - Site Allocations

More info - Site Allocations

The following are some extracts which might help you to focus on the areas to comment on:

Golden threads underpinned by a robust growth agenda: 

1. Increasing housing delivery. Creating liveable places. 2. Ensuring growth is sustainable and supported by infrastructure. 3. Building on the unique strengths of the borough and carrying forward its cultural legacy. 4. Promoting the economy to improve life chances for all residents, students and workers. 5. Protecting and enhancing the natural and historic environment. 6. Ensuring land optimisation and driving investment and wealth into the borough. 

The Inspector will want to know whether the Council has met the legal requirements for the preparation of a Local Plan and whether it meets what are known as the 'tests of soundness' set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. Thank you for your interest and participation.

1.4 This Plan will be used to promote, shape and manage growth in Waltham Forest for the next 15 years. Policies in the Plan set out how the Council will seek to achieve an appropriate balance between physical, social, economic and environmental protection in the Borough for the benefit of all residents and stakeholders

National Policy
1.8 All Local Plans are required to be consistent with the national policy set out within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).The NPPF sets out the principles and objectives that are required to underpin approaches to plan-making and development management. Central to this, within the NPPF is the “presumption in favour of sustainable development” 

1.11 The Local Plan must also be in ‘general conformity’ with the London Plan, and where appropriate, take account of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG).The Mayor of London produces other strategies to sit alongside the London Plan.

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