Monday 18 January 2021

Low Hall Sports Ground

 The Council's Licensing Committee online meeting have agreed to Low Hall Sports Ground being used for the following:

The provision of films, plays, live music, performances of dance, recorded music, anything of a similar description. The #Licensing Service received 138 representations from persons opposing the grant of the licence and 5 representations from persons in support of the grant of the licence.

Tuesday to Saturday - 17:00 to 22:00 & Sunday - 14:30 to 22:00
Sale of alcohol (on-sales): Tuesday to Saturday - 17:00 to 22:00
& Sunday - 14:30 to 22:00
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Saturday - 17:00 to 22:30 & Sunday - 14:30 to 22:30
The Bank Holiday and Non-Standard Timings applied for in the application were also granted by the Committee.
The Sub-Committee imposed the conditions:
 The Applicant will organise monthly Community Steering Groups with the Residents to update them on the developments with the events from February 2021 to June 2021.
 The Applicant will organise monthly Community Steering groups in July, August and September 2021 to address any concerns the residents may have when the events take place.
 The Applicant will host only one paid ticketed event per day.

This is showing no respect for the local residents, environment, wild life and a major loss of a sports venue. All is not lost as the Council's Planning Committee have to also give their approval so it is due to go to the Planning Committee in February.
In the meanwhile send in your objections to the PLANNING APPLICATION 203496

Object to: planning.policy@walthamforest.gov.uk or dmconsultations@walthamforest.gov.uk copied to your Councillors.

WF Echo Report

Save Lea Marshes

The company applying for permission is Secret Group Ltd who have redacted many of the documents and pretends they will not tell people where the venue is until they have purchased tickets. If they sell the 4,750 tickets for each event they expect to raise between £233k to £423k per event, and the events are from July to September. Another money making opportunity by our council at the expenses of residents welfare!

Sunday 17 January 2021

The Mall - Town Centre Update 8

Previous Updates


Many people have said the Town Centre needs to be refurbished so we have to accept C&R's 10year old, outdated plan. No we don't! There have been other ideas put forward and these would be truly beneficial to Walthamstow rather than just a cash cow for the council.

In 2018 St Martin's ran a summer school for trainee architects from around the world. They were set the task of analysing C&R's plans for the Town Centre and coming up with alternative plans. Here are some of their suggestions:

In 2007 The Prince's Foundation was brought in to consult the public about the future of the Town Centre and to see how they would like the future of the Town Centre to look. Here are the plans the Foundation created, but sadly they got quietly dropped by the council:

Is it sensible to move more people in to the already congested Town Centre? More importantly, next door in Enfield there are plans for Meridian Water which will create a whole new town of over 5,000 homes so surely there is no need for another 538 flats in the centre of Walthamstow?


Friday 15 January 2021

The Mall - Town Centre Update 7



What lessons can we learn from the Grenfell tragedy that might impact on our Town Centre? Surely until a full understanding has been published and the necessary amendments to the Building Regulations have been put into effect no tower blocks should be built. Let alone a 34 storey one! How would residents be rescued if a fire broke out? The London Fire Brigade ladders only reach 10 storeys.

London Fire Brigade

Cladding problems around the country are so bad that many blocks have been evacuated and others need a constant fire watch at vast cost. This has now impacted on the housing market as many owners are now finding they are unable to sell their property.

Cladding impacts the housing market

The Grenfell public inquiry is still ongoing and has reached Phase 2 where they are examining the causes of the fire.

Grenfell Inquiry

Grenfell in pictures

BBC reports Grenfell

Hounslow Planning Department gave permission for the very large housing complex called the Paragon in Brentford, but it has now been discovered to have a range of fire and building safety issues and 900 residents have had to be re- housed. Will this happen in Walthamstow?

Paragon Estate Evacuated

900 residents asked to leave

The Mall Planning Application

There is only a short statement in the Design and Access Document in Section 5.13 about fire safety, which boils down to residents have to stay in the block and rely on sprinklers to put out any fire. The London Fire Brigade's ladders only reach to the 10th floor so there will be 24 storeys they can't reach externally. Is this adequate considering what happened at Grenfell?

Tuesday 12 January 2021

A4W Sign the letter to MPs


Please sign this letter to the MPs

A4W Updates

Barts are expected to submit their planning application in February. There will be a full one for a car park and outline for the new Hospital and the housing - over 1,500 homes are being planned by LBWF

Hopefully much of this building will be saved and converted to flats

The Mall - Town Centre Update 6

Book your speaking slot for the Town Centre Planning Committee Meeting - last time it was in the Assembly Hall - this time it is online so you will be muted!!

Loss of open space




How to adjust C&R's profits by reducing affordable homes

Alternative ideas ignored

Homebase Update 10

 2c Fulborne Road E17 4EE is expected to go to the Planning Committee in March. Inland Homes have updated 44 documents in the Planning Application 202512 and we are pressing them to run a consultation to explain the changes. It is unusual for so many changes to be made and no explanation of what they are. Its not helped by the fact the Council have simply updated the existing documents on the new Built Environment planning site.

Homebase now closed

2c Fulborne Updates

All change at Smithfield and Spitalfields Market

 You may be aware the London Museum will be moved to the redundant Smithfield Market site and a new concert hall built on the site. Follow the link for more details.

New London Museum

Spitalfields in Leyton will also be closing and the council is planning a large housing estate on the site.
