Sunday 17 January 2021

The Mall - Town Centre Update 8

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Many people have said the Town Centre needs to be refurbished so we have to accept C&R's 10year old, outdated plan. No we don't! There have been other ideas put forward and these would be truly beneficial to Walthamstow rather than just a cash cow for the council.

In 2018 St Martin's ran a summer school for trainee architects from around the world. They were set the task of analysing C&R's plans for the Town Centre and coming up with alternative plans. Here are some of their suggestions:

In 2007 The Prince's Foundation was brought in to consult the public about the future of the Town Centre and to see how they would like the future of the Town Centre to look. Here are the plans the Foundation created, but sadly they got quietly dropped by the council:

Is it sensible to move more people in to the already congested Town Centre? More importantly, next door in Enfield there are plans for Meridian Water which will create a whole new town of over 5,000 homes so surely there is no need for another 538 flats in the centre of Walthamstow?


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