Monday 18 January 2021

Low Hall Sports Ground

 The Council's Licensing Committee online meeting have agreed to Low Hall Sports Ground being used for the following:

The provision of films, plays, live music, performances of dance, recorded music, anything of a similar description. The #Licensing Service received 138 representations from persons opposing the grant of the licence and 5 representations from persons in support of the grant of the licence.

Tuesday to Saturday - 17:00 to 22:00 & Sunday - 14:30 to 22:00
Sale of alcohol (on-sales): Tuesday to Saturday - 17:00 to 22:00
& Sunday - 14:30 to 22:00
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Saturday - 17:00 to 22:30 & Sunday - 14:30 to 22:30
The Bank Holiday and Non-Standard Timings applied for in the application were also granted by the Committee.
The Sub-Committee imposed the conditions:
 The Applicant will organise monthly Community Steering Groups with the Residents to update them on the developments with the events from February 2021 to June 2021.
 The Applicant will organise monthly Community Steering groups in July, August and September 2021 to address any concerns the residents may have when the events take place.
 The Applicant will host only one paid ticketed event per day.

This is showing no respect for the local residents, environment, wild life and a major loss of a sports venue. All is not lost as the Council's Planning Committee have to also give their approval so it is due to go to the Planning Committee in February.
In the meanwhile send in your objections to the PLANNING APPLICATION 203496

Object to: planning.policy@walthamforest.gov.uk or dmconsultations@walthamforest.gov.uk copied to your Councillors.

WF Echo Report

Save Lea Marshes

The company applying for permission is Secret Group Ltd who have redacted many of the documents and pretends they will not tell people where the venue is until they have purchased tickets. If they sell the 4,750 tickets for each event they expect to raise between £233k to £423k per event, and the events are from July to September. Another money making opportunity by our council at the expenses of residents welfare!

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