Tuesday 23 February 2021

Homebase Update 11

Planning Application 202512

A year ago we discovered Homebase had sold out to Inland Homes for £28m. Inland Homes rapidly developed their scheme and told the public about what they proposed and ignored all the comments including the request to change the name from Patchworks. 

The site is being over developed, 583 flats in 1 to 18 storey blocks, by at least 100 flats, puts pressure on Epping Forest as the site will not have enough open space for all the people living in the development. It will increase the amount of logistics vehicles as the occupiers of the site will not be allowed cars so everything they need will have to be delivered by van.

The site should have been used for commercial and industrial units to increase the number of local jobs and to enable the existing industrial units opposite to thrive to create a real employment hub.

This is just another money making scheme with no intention of being a set of  "beautiful" buildings as the Government want or  providing a pleasant place. Instead it will be over crowded, put more pressure on the surrounding schools and do nothing to create a cohesive community.

The officer's report states there were 171 objections, two petitions one of 102 and the other 583. It goes on to say "the height and scale of each block are higher than desired but accept this is not uncommon in the wider area" What drivel is that!

Make your feelings felt - register to speak at the Planning Committee on the 2nd March.

Planning Officer's Report

Proposed Scheme


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