Monday 22 February 2021

LBWF - Families and Homes Hub - Update 6

 The Planning App   210250     has been submitted for a new tower block on the site of the old Wood Street Library. It will be adjacent to Woodside School and overlook it. It rises to 11 storeys and will have 67 flats. Some will be Affordable, Partly affordable and Market price. To separate the different categories there will be 3 lifts. 2 for the higher floors with the good views at Market price and one for the lower floors with Affordable prices.

Part of the Ground Floor will be a shop  and the rest a reception area for the Families and Homes Hub with a first floor of private offices and interview rooms.

Send your objections in by mid March


Briefing for Planning Committee

Segregating Tenants

Demolition nearing completion just before the school returns

Council backs separate lifts

Old Library Building being demolished

View across junction

Overlooking of Woodside School

Reuse of stone plaques

View of the over developed site

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