Friday 11 December 2015

Mini Holland update 11-12-15


Jubilee Park

Lea Bridge Consultation closed

From the Council

Lea Bridge Road – Mini-Holland consultation feeds back
Thanks to over 700 of you who gave your views and suggestions in the last part of the Lea Bridge Road Mini-Holland consultation (Bakers Arms to Wood Street section). All of this feedback will now be carefully analysed and considered as part of our final designs and where we can, we’ll incorporate your suggestions. Where we can’t, we’ll try to explain the reasons why.

As the Mini-Holland scheme is funded by Transport for London (TfL), they need to approve our plans so we’ll show them the consultation results and revised plans over the coming weeks. We expect to update residents on the next steps in early 2016 and should have more detail by then about what the scheme will look like and how your feedback has helped shaped it. In the meantime you can still view the consultation plans on the different parts of the Lea Bridge scheme by visiting:https://lbrproposals.commonplace.is/
Coming up next in the programme will be the consultations for Mini-Holland works in Leyton and Leytonstone town centres. For more information and updates as things happen sign up to the Mini-Holland e-news by emailing miniholland@walthamforest.gov.uk



I'm writing to you as someone who has written to me about Mini Holland to share with you the latest correspondence I have had from the Council about this matter. 

As you may recall, I have urged the Council to rethink their decision to not conduct their proposed review of the scheme in time for it to influence the future implementation of the scheme. Below is the latest response I have had from the Council on this point, and the details of when residents may expect to be able to access the guide to the 'copenhagen' crossings and other elements of the design of Mini Holland that they have committed to producing.

One of the many issues residents have raised with me about this scheme and also some of the recent changes to parking in our area is the impact this has on access to religious buildings. In the run up to a busy time of the year for a number of faith communities in our borough, I have asked the Council if they will respond to this point directly. In particular I have asked if they could consider including time limited exemptions around such buildings and relevant routes to them, to help ease any potential sources of pressure for local residents during periods of religious celebrations throughout the year where traffic of all forms to and from such venues as well as around them is likely to be higher. I will of course also keep residents updated on this point as and when I receive an answer and if you have views on this and what would be an effective way to balance these concerns please do let me know so that I can raise this with the Council too. 

I hope this information is of interest and I will continue to keep you informed as and when I receive further information on this project. 

with kind regards


Dear Stella,

Many thanks for your correspondence of 15th November regarding the Mini-Holland Programme. As my office have explained, I have just returned from leave so apologies that I have not been able to consider your letter until now.

The Highways team are currently planning the review of the project at Walthamstow Village, and will take into consideration your thoughts regarding its timing and focus. We will be sure to keep you updated on progress with this. In the meantime we are endeavouring to write the short guide on Mini Holland for residents, and will share this with you once it is completed in the coming weeks.

Yours sincerely,


Martin Esom
Chief Executive
Waltham Forest Council
From: stellacreasy@gmail.com [mailto:stellacreasy@gmail.com] On Behalf Of stella creasy
Sent: 15 November 2015 20:53
To: Martin Esom; Rosie Tulloch
Subject: Re: Letter to Stella Creasy MP RE: Mini Holland Programme

Dear Martin

Thank you for this letter and attachments regarding the 'Mini Holland' project which are extremely helpful - I am grateful for confirmation that there will be a review of the project conducted and for the details of plans for a guide to the details of the scheme. However, I note that the review proposed will not begin until Summer 2016 and will be retrospective, rather than contributing to how the current scheme continues.

I would again strongly urge Waltham Forest Council to reconsider this approach, and instead programme a review that will provide an opportunity to influence the implementation of this scheme in real time. In particular, I would urge Waltham Forest Council to explicitly commit to a review process that could consider whether specific amendments proposed by residents are required to the current layout of closures - both enacted and proposed- which could help improve the outcomes achieved in Walthamstow.

I look forward to receiving the guide to the changes, and to hearing more details about this review and any amendments to its timing and focus if made,

kind regards


London Festival

New Mayor of London Festival – Partnership & Funding Opportunities!!

We are pleased to announce a new and exciting festival – Find Your London (working title) -  to celebrate the critical role that public spaces play in London life. The festival will showcase them and encourage greater use.

Taking place over 10 days the festival will include an opening weekend (Friday 18 to Sunday 20 March) including a flagship launch event followed by a week of activity culminating in the Easter weekend finale (Friday 25 to Monday 28 March).

The festival will present a programme of public events and activities, providing a platform to highlight  London’s green and urban spaces and place the festival-goer at the centre, offering “a London to suit them” via a number of different ‘mood’ profiles through which events, activities, top tips and tailored itineraries will be recommended.

The festival will be promoted via a significant high profile marketing campaign (estimated value of £400,000) which will be promoted across and beyond London.

To find out more and how to get involved please find attached the festival programme summary. We will also be holding a briefing session on Wednesday 6 January at City Hall, SE1 2AA to provide an opportunity for you to find out more and network with other interested partners.

If you would like to register to attend the briefing session on Wednesday 6 January please RSVP tofestival@london.gov.uk by midday on Monday 4 January.  

We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
David Holley & Sarah Barrow
Events for London
External Relations, Mayor of London's Office
City Hall, Queen's Walk, More London, London, SE1 2AA

Investing in a Green Infrastructure for a Future City

Dear Colleagues & Friends
Natural Capital: Investing in a Green Infrastructure for a Future City

The London Infrastructure Plan 2050 sets out London’s future infrastructure needs. As well as chapters on transport, energy, water and waste it highlights how green infrastructure is as integral to the city as other infrastructure such as rail, roads, pipes and cables.

Planned, designed and managed as an integrated green infrastructure, London’s existing green spaces and features such as green roofs, street trees and rain gardens, can provide benefits including: healthy living, more space for walking and cycling, flood mitigation, improved air and water quality, enhanced biodiversity and a cooler urban environment. 

The Mayor established a Green Infrastructure Task Force that brought together a wide range of interests and expertise to identify how to encourage a more strategic and long-term approach to investment in and delivery of green infrastructure.

The Task Force report – Natural Capital: Investing in a Green Infrastructure for a Future City (attached or follow link)
 identifies why this approach is increasingly necessary, and the changes to policy, governance, valuation and funding that are needed to ensure long-term investment in London’s green infrastructure. It includes recommendations on the strategic issues that need to be addressed in relation to the planning, governance and funding of London’s green infrastructure.

Members of the Task Force said:

“To meet the challenge of a growing population, future investment in more traditional infrastructure projects, public health programmes, and regeneration areas needs to include more green infrastructure-based solutions, so that London continues to be recognised as one of the greenest and most liveable big cities in the world. This report sets out a route map to how this can be achieved”
Matthew Pencharz, Deputy Mayor for Environment & Energy, and Chair of the Task Force

“London boroughs are currently responsible for managing much of London’s green infrastructure and making the land-use planning decisions that affect its future. The report is timely as it provides a compelling case for the value and importance of green infrastructure and suggests new ways by which decisions could be made on how it is managed and funded in the future.”
Cllr Julian Bell, Chair of London Council’s Transport & Environment Committee

“This report is ground-breaking because it recognises that London’s green infrastructure is just as important as other essential infrastructure - it helps to reduce flood risk, water pollution, air pollution and urban heat. As London continues to grow, making the most of its green infrastructure will be essential to ensure it is a healthy environment for people to live and work in.”
Simon Moody, London Manager for the Environment Agency

“We know that some of London’s biggest health challenges – obesity, poor air quality and mental health – can be ameliorated by a well-planned and managed green infrastructure. Accessibility and connectivity matter if we want to encourage more walking and cycling to improve health, and its ability to soften the most unforgiving parts of the urban environment can have a profound effect on mental wellbeing. The Task Force report encourages more joined up working between public health, transport, urban design and green space professionals to ensure that green infrastructure deliver its potential to provide better health for Londoners.”
Yvonne Doyle, London Regional Director of Public Health England

Key issues in the report relating to the valuation of green infrastructure are reinforced by evidence provided in Valuing London’s Urban Forest and the Beam Parklands natural capital account.

For further information about the report please contact:
Peter Massini peter.massini@london.gov.uk  020 7983 4592
Katrina Ramsey Katrina.ramsey@london.gov.uk  020 7983 4039

Kind regards
Tony Leach
Chief Executive, 
London Parks & Green Spaces
020 7983 4495 | 07941 069351 | tony.leach@lpgsf.org.uk  

Christmas Carols

Walthamstow Village news & events
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Christmas carols on the Square: Tuesday 15th December

Walthamstow Village Residents’ Association is holding its annual Christmas carols on the square on Tuesday 15th December, aided by East London Brass and led by Philip Creasy.
Bring your children, wooly hats and candlelit lanterns, and gather around the tree in the square at 7pm for mince pies and mulled wine, with the carols beginning at 7.30pm.
For those who plan to lend a voice on the night, you won’t need to rely on memory alone.
Song sheets can be downloaded here, and there will be some extras to hand out on the night.

Please bring coins for a collection for the brass band.
Copyright © 2015 Walthamstow Village Residents' Association, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member of WVRA, asked to be added to our email list at one of our events, or subscribed via our website.

Our mailing address is:
Walthamstow Village Residents' Association
13 Eden Grove
London, Wft E17 9JU
United Kingdom

Pub Called Mirth, Marvel and Maud

EMD Cinema

Save Walthamstow Cinema

pub called Mirth, Marvel and Maud

Interestingly a friend of mine who lives in Bromley was at a Christmas dinner in a Bromley pub yesterday where the food was excellent. He was talking to the assistant manager who said the manager was in Walthamstow opening the new EMD pub! Looks like things are beginning to come right in Awesomestow!

News from Nowhere Club

 Saturday 12 December 2015
BUDDHISM: The Direct Path to Enlightenment
Speaker: Vanaraji
How can we live in a better world? Changing our mind changes the world. The teachings of the Buddha help us change how we think & give us a new perspective on life that leads  to freedom from suffering, for ourselves & others.
Vanaraji, an Ordained Buddhist in the Triratana Buddhist Order, will give an overview of Buddhist principles & practices that free us from mundane consciousness & help us experience more vividly the Enlightened world. 

Epicentre, West St E11 4LJ
7.30 buffet    8pm talk.   0208 555 5248
Just turn up

Please note: I do not look at emails all the time, so if urgent, please phone me on 0208 555 5248.
Also, occasionally emails do not reach me. so please phone if I have not responded within a few days.

Friday 4 December 2015

Mini Holland Update 4-12-15



The UK’s cycling revolution will not take off without proper funding

One of the biggest costs to our health system is the physical inactivity which equates to a staggering £47bn a year according to the government. Air pollution of our cities is held responsible for more than 29,000 deaths across the country and businesses lose £1.5bn to congestion in the capital. How can these three problems be solved all at once?  Better and true commitment from the government to improve accessibility to cycling.   Countries around us such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Utrecht have already succeeded and it would make sense for us to follow their footsteps. To improve infrastructures investment is needed. With only £10 per person per year (which represent 0.5% annual NHS budget, 1% annual cost of inactivity). It is a relatively tiny amount to make our cities cleaner and less pullulated with a healthier and happier population Above all the public wants it, with 91% seeing physical activity as the best way to stay healthy and 60% see cycling as the natural choice for a short journey.  Click here to read more and here to find out what you can do to help promote cycling.

Dear Peter Bradley, Head of Consultations,

Thank you for this information. I am very puzzled at its arrival yesterday. According to the Waltham Forest Mini-Holland website the consultation for Section A of Lea Bridge Road finished some months ago, the one for Sections B and C (up to Bakers Arms) finish today, BUT ONLY the remaining part (up to Whipps Cross) is open for comments until the date you mention - 2nd December.

I don't recall receiving an earlier email from you about Sections B and C, which happens to be my local area. Please correct me if I am wrong. I would have expected TfL to give good notice of these proposals to make significant changes to arrangements for buses, whether or not there is other publicity.

I am copying in Cllr Masood Ahmad, Chair of LB Waltham Forest Transport Consultative Group - questions about the changes to bus transport on Lea Bridge Road could not be answered by the TfL representatives present at the recent meeting of this Group.

I request that the consultations for the whole of Lea Bridge Road are held open until 31st December so that the many others on your email circulation list have a chance to get involved. One day's notice of consultation end is not sufficient.

What has caused this lack of synchronisation between yourselves, LBWF and the Mini-Holland team?

Claire Weiss

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from Dave (@electester

Hackney Singers Christmas Concert

Subject: Ding Dong! Hackney Singers  carol concert December 13th

Christmas Concert for Hackney & Islington Winter Night Shelters
6.30 pm Sunday 13th December, St Peter's de Beauvoir
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Hackney Singers

Conductor  Dan Ludford-Thomas
Organ & piano  Andy Storey

Collection in aid of Hackney and Islington Winter Night Shelters

6.30 Sunday 13th December

St Peter's de Beauvoir, Northchurch Terrace N1 4DA

Snow Angels


Winter is approaching fast and it’s time to start preparing for any adverse weather conditions that might be heading our way.
Snow Angels are local residents who volunteer to clear snow and ice from the footways and pathways in their local area.
As a Snow Angel, your help will be invaluable in assisting the Council with their winter gritting and snow clearance operations, especially in those hard to reach places.
All Snow Angels will receive:
  • 20kg bag of grit
  • A branded hi-visibility vest
  • Protective gloves
  • Snow scoop or plastic shovel
If you are interested in becoming a Snow Angel and would like more information on the scheme please contact Waltham Forest Direct on 0208 496 3000, or send an email toenvironmental.services@walthamforest.gov.uk.
Snow Angels will be offered free litter pickers and litter bags. These additional pieces of equipment could be used for any resident led or Council led clean up events in your local area throughout the year or in case you might want to do something yourself.
Kris Rhodes
Operations and Projects Officer
Major Contracts and Delivery Unit
Waltham Forest Council
Waltham Forest Town Hall
Forest Road
London E17 6HE
Mobile:07855 093 946

South Grove Car Park Redevelopment

South Grove Development

450 Homes

The consultation was better than some but the development is not that interesting although will improve an area which is currently very neglected. Whether it will happen is another matter. The Arcade site took decades before it was finally finished, the EMD is still in doubt and of course Morrisons pulled out of the deal for the South Grove site. Maybe this is just another plan on the long journey to a final solution.

The Morrisons Plan

Walthamstow History

Walthamstow History

Vestry House Museum

Waltham Forest Photo Library

Mince pies, mullled wine, Father Christmas, festive songs, handcrafted gifts, Victorian poems
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Vestry Road Walthamstow
E17 9NH
020 8496 4391
Vestry's Victorian Christmas

Vestry's Victorian Christmas

Tuesday 8 December
4.30pm - 10pm
Free entry (Father Christmas £3.50)

Join us on Tuesday for a unique Christmas event in the historic surroundings of Vestry House Museum, Featuring: 
  • mince pies and mulled wine
  • Christmas crafts
  • Father Christmas
  • handcrafted gifts from local designers
  • festive songs and carols from Waltham Forest Community Choir Victorian poems and readings from Waltham Forest Drama Workshop.

Tuesday 17 November 2015


The item below was spotted on the council web site. Not sure how many residents would see it as a "resident led measure". What is happening now after 30 years or so is the council use CPZs to raise revenue from some residents, not all, and force residents to demand a CPZ as the impact from one area impacts on the next area. Church Lane had a CPZ installed a year or so ago this forced more parked vehicles onto Vallentin Road. A CPZ was then put in on Vallentin Road and now Fyfield Road is inundated with parked vehicles. Next month a CPZ will go in part of Fyfield Road so the parking will move to the non CPZ area until the residents complain and then the CPZ will be expanded again.

Why don't they either raise the council tax or put a blanket CPZ across the whole Borough so that everyone pays instead of this pointless piecemeal approach.

This is a result of residents complaining about parking difficulties they are experiencing. Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) are a resident led measure where priority is given to residents and business to having an increased chance of finding a parking space near their home.


Lea Bridge Road Closure

This is one of the first traffic problems in Lea Bridge Road that Mini Holland will be responsible for. To get a cycle lane in over the aquaduct, near the Ice Centre in Lea Bridge Road, a traffic order has been issued closing the road between Chatsworth Road and Burwell Road from the 27th November for up to 2 months. It prohibits vehicles from entering, proceeding, waiting or loading for any purpose at any time in Lea Bridge Road E10.

Forest Philharmonic

Subject: Forest Phil's Concert Sunday 6 December

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 Tchaikovsky, Suk, Shostakovich
Sunday 6 December, 6.30pm

TCHAIKOVSKY Nutcracker Suite 1
SUK  Scherzo Fantastique


Mark Shanahan  conductor
Walthamstow Assembly Hall

In the approach to Christmas, what better piece to perform at this time of year than Tchaikovsky’s music for The Nutcracker ballet, including Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Arabian Dance, Chinese Dance and Waltz of the Flowers. Written in memory of the 1905 Revolution in Russia, Shostakovich’s 11th symphony is drawn from 19th century songs with harmony influenced by Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky and has the feel of film music.... A CRACKER of a concert!

Free pre-concert talk downstairs at 5.30pm in the Jubilee Room.

PLUS: Interval party for Friends and season ticket holders!

Your orchestra,
Forest Philharmonic

PS  Something for the diary.
On Sunday 24 April 2016the Orchestra will be playing Beethoven Symphony No. 6, plus Mozart Arias and Don Giovanni Overture at the Walthamstow Assembly Hall. 


Tickets £10-£15
Concessions £8-£12
under 26s/students £3

Buy online

Reserve by email

Visit our website
Copyright © 2015 Forest Philharmonic, All rights reserved.
members of Forest Philharmonic emailing list

Our mailing address is:
Forest Philharmonic
22 Tower Hamlets Road
London, England E17 4RH
United Kingdom