Friday 21 May 2021

Streets for All


Despite all the evidence we keep providing to the Council, they are now proposing to close even more roads. Of course, Sadiq Khan makes funding available to presumably they will carry on doing so.

The latest "consultation" is here:

Waiting to hear from some locals there if they would like us to assist with leafletting etc etc

Do fill the consultation in, even tho we know what happens. Perhaps Aarif can work his magic and download the information so it cant be massaged later??  

Whipps Cross Hospital Site




WF Guardian

Below are details of the Planning Application for the new hospital and the sale of the land for over 1,500 new homes.

To see the details of the Planning Application click on these links

211245 Land Use

211244 500 space car park

The Planning process means we have until June 13 to submit our objections. These have to be submitted via the LBWF's Planning web site and you have to register before you can submit your objection - just your name and address, so make sure you register now.



The Mayor and the Greater London Authority

Barts Health have submitted their plans to LBWF where the Planning Officer scrutinises them and ensure they comply with the LONDON PLAN and the LOCAL PLAN. The PLANNING COMMITTEE will later in the year decide if the plans are acceptable.

Meanwhile THE MAYOR looks at the plans and issues a STAGE 1 REPORT in which he assesses the scheme and says what improvements he wants to see.

This is sent to the council and the Planning Committee make their decision. This is then passed onto the Mayor for the STAGE 2 Report and if the Mayor is minded he gives the final approval. This process will take months!

The main land use objections are:

1. The hospital should not be reducing the beds by 51
2. A new Hospice should be provided to replace the Margaret Centre
3. Space is needed for after care - i.e convalescent facilities.
4. The massing of the hospital is too dense and does not create Barts Health's vision: "Our overarching vision is to create ‘a hospital in a garden and a garden in a hospital"
5. Space for Key Hospital Worker homes is essential for the staffing of the hospital.
6. Space for expanding the hospital in a crisis e.g. pandemic, fire etc.
7. Future Health Service facilities.
8. Tower blocks of 18 storeys for residential use are inappropriate on this site.
9. 1,500  homes is over development of the site, especially if it is to be car free. Space has to be left for buses to serve the new hospital and the homes.

The following pictures are gleaned from the Planning Application:

Description of the Planning application

View of the new Hospital

Public Transport Access

New 500 Space Car park

Chapel Park


View from Canterbury Road

View from Epping Forest 

View from Whipps Cross Interchange

Aerial view of the existing site


Saturday 1 May 2021

East Ridge - previously Barclays


Barclays is closing its Walthamstow branch to make way for another 18 storey sky scrapper! It will have 66 flats to house more people trying to get on the already congested Victoria Line. Does this mean the end of Barclays in Walthamstow?

Providence Securities have submitted a planning application 210801 and objections have to be submitted by 19th May. Consultation was held in December online and a few people responded, see the Statement of Community Involvement, which indicates over 70% of those that attended were against the development.

Grenfell has shown catastrophic mistakes were made at Grenfell, will fire appliances be able to reach any of these buildings? Their ladders can only reach floor 10 so what happens above that level? Will we be seeing the great Fire of Walthamstow in due course? This is greed gone completely mad!!

We have lost Homebase now we are losing one of the major Banks - is this really progress?


Welcome to:

The site is adjacent to the Travelodge and will be even higher and is opposite Juniper House, the same height which is now under construction. In due course another skyscraper will replace the Strettons building finally wrecking the Town Centre. Oh and of course a 34 storey block in the Town Square.

East Ridge will enable Heath Robinson's drawing of the 1930s to come alive in Walthamstow in 2022!

View along Hoe Street where numerous buses pass - good job they are going electric!

Here is an aerial view to see how the birds will view it!


View before just as the Travelodge emerged.

Barclays today

View of Juniper House from Barclays