Saturday 10 October 2020

LBWF Families and Homes Hub - Update 1

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The Project Manager has responded to our questions as follows:

Dear Adrian,


Many thanks for your email about the Families and Homes Hub. Please see below for a response to the questions you raised.


  1. Can you please send us a copy of the Heritage Consultant's Report.

We are liaising with our consultant team and hope to be able to issue the report imminently.


  1. When will the presentation be online and what is the online address for looking at this evening's online meeting?

The presentation is available online on the following webpage :

Presentation by Project Manager

  1. You said you would be submitting an application to the Planning Dept for demolishing the existing building in November. Can that be delayed until it is clear the site can be developed i.e. a planning application has been submitted?

An application for the demolition of the building has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority. The project team will be working closely with planning colleagues to ensure that a well-designed Families and Homes Hub can be delivered. Demolishing the existing structure in this timeframe allows us to more easily ‘de-risk’ the site from hidden hazards that aren’t typically revealed until after demolition, which might otherwise cause delays. It also helps mitigate the risk of antisocial behaviour that can present with an empty building, such as squatting or vandalism. The Council will be following the correct due process with the demolition.


  1. From the information you gave it appears the new building will be 9 storeys high which means it will tower over the adjacent Woodside Academy. Will there be no windows on that side of the building to ensure there is no overlooking of the 900 children in the school? It is very important to all of us that the safety and wellbeing of children, parents and teachers is prioritised and ensured at all times. Any overlooking of the school is a planning consideration and as part of the planning process, we will be required to show that the school is not overlooked. We are in the early stages of the design process and therefore the detailed design of the building, including position of windows, has not yet been developed. As the design develops, we can share more information on this and ask for feedback and comment.


  1. Normally a construction logistics plan is submitted with a planning application or is part of the information that has to be submitted once the plan is approved. In this case that won't be acceptable as the only access to this very tight site adjacent to Foundery Mews and Woodside is via Forest Road or Wood Street. 

That’s correct, a construction logistics plan will be submitted as part of the planning application. We will ensure we discuss the construction logistics plan with you prior to the planning submission and happy to meet with you to run through this at the appropriate time.


  1. Is it proposed to close off Wood Street to create space for the portacabins and the heavy lorries delivering and collecting from the site? We are already suffering problems from heavy vehicles that are accessing the Hylands site just up the road. When 1 Hoe Street was rebuilt Howard Road was closed. At Blackhorse Station one lane has been out of use for months creating massive tailbacks. If Wood Street is not closed (and bear in mind the bridge by the station has a low clearance level) the only alternative is to take out a lane in Forest Road. That is by the junction where many children cross to get to Bremer School and Woodside so very expensive traffic and pedestrian management will be needed. This will go on for 2 years!

The construction management plan will include traffic management measures to minimise disruption to the surrounding road network. The safety and wellbeing of children, parents and teachers of the nearby schools is important to us and will be prioritised.


  1. Noise - buildings sites inevitably create noise and the Juniper House site can be heard up in Walthamstow Village and Hylands can be heard in adjacent streets. How are you going to ensure the children's education at Woodside is not disrupted as they will be adjacent to the noise, dust and pollution? 

Ensuring that disruption to the school is minimised as much as possible is a key priority for us. Proposals for managing noise, dust and air quality will form a key part of the contractor’s health and safety proposals. We have already met with the school to discuss the redevelopment proposals and how we can ensure we minimise the impact of the construction on the school. We will ensure lines of communication with the school are open at all stages of the development.


  1. As you are aware the Homebase site (4.5 years construction period)  will start  to be cleared next year which will coincide with your plans for completion by 2023. That means 2 large building sites virtually adjacent to each other. This also means more construction traffic clashing with students attending WF College, Bremer, Woodside and Holy Family not far away. How do you plan to deal with this while allowing the community to carry on their daily lives?

The Council will work closely with the developer of the Homebase site to ensure that construction management plans are coordinated to minimise disruption to the local community.

Best wishes,



Stacey Clark

Project Manager

Capital Delivery

London Borough of Waltham Forest | Magistrates Court | Town Hall Complex | Forest Road | London  E17 4JF

Email address:   

Tel: 07435798136

Twitter: @wfcouncil    Website:



  1. Hello,

    Regarding the demolition the signs for the demolition went up 1st Oct for prior approval of permitted development. They are stuck up on the lamppost beside the library.

    This means that on 28th of this month then the council can demolish the library.

    This means that once the councilos planner say that they consider that their conditions are met then the Demolition can go ahead. There is no way to object to this. Only way would be to bring a judicial review, if you believe this demolition is not considered a permitted development.

    One other thing i know the council has done an environmental impact on site, depending on what this found then the council might need to apply for planning permission to demolish but of course the council will not share the report.

    I heard for Woodside Primary the demolition is starting at half term.

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