Sunday 27 September 2020

LBWF Families and Homes Hub Consultation

The council has published more details of their plan to use the old Wood Street Library site for their Families and Homes Hub. Nothing new here as they have been trying to get this site for redevelopment for years as Woodside School tried to get it for their increased numbers, but the council would not let them have it. 

The Community wanted to run it as Community Centre like the Mill, but the council would not engage with the community. They opened the new library but did not invite the community to the opening ceremony so the Consultation starting now is just another "we know best and will ignore the community's views although we will tick the box to say we have consulted".

If the community wants the old iconic building kept it is too late as the council is demolishing it in October!!

Consultation Tickets

Tuesday 29th between 6pm and 7pm Families and Homes Consultation event - book your ticket now!

Save Wood Street Library

Families and Homes Hub

5 December 2019: Cabinet approved a project delivery budget of up to £3 million. For details, see page 331 in the 5 December Cabinet report 

10 August 2020: Hoarding artwork installed around the site

13 August 2020: Opening of the new Wood Street Library at Marlowe Road

29 September 2020: Start of public consultation

October 2020: Proposed demolition of the former Wood Street library building

October to December 2020: Public engagement

January 2021: Planning application submitted and, when validated, statutory consultation will take place

July 2021: Building contractor appointed

October 2021: Target date for start of works

October 2023: Target date for completion of works

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