Friday 14 December 2012

Harrow Green Library Replacement


Dear everyone
As you know, we can move into the room at the Epicentre from 2 January and start organising a library there.
We need books, shelving, newspapers and volunteers - the volunteers bit is the reason for this email!
Angela and I are spending this evening phoning people to ask if, a year since the campaign, they still have time to help run the library or help in other ways.
We managed to speak to some of you and leave messages for others. Belt and braces approach - now a short questionnaire online! (if we didn't speak to you already.)
Would be great if you could send us your answers to these questions (lack of funds means we can't offer a £500 prize or weekend in Paris to the lucky winner....sorry)
Do you still have the time and desire to help at the library?
If YES, please continue.
If NO, please let us know so we won't bother you.
Are you available on Saturdays - or some Saturdays?
If so, is that mornings, afternoons or all day?
Are there any other days you would be available?
How many hours a week / fortnight / month might you want to contribute?
Do you know other people who might be interested? Family, friends, neighbours etc........
Are you willing to help with publicity? We are producing some posters.
Do you have books to contribute?
Do you want to help with cataloguing the books or preparing them to be taken out?
Any other comments?
It would be good to hear from you by NEXT WEDNESDAY 19th December when we have our next committee meeting which will be at:
4pm at Cann Hall Baptist Church, Cann Hall Road E11.
See you there?
Ros and Angela

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