Tuesday 18 June 2013

Christian Kitchen crisis


We are at a crucial stage in our struggle with Waltham Forest Council. As you are aware the Council and the Police have alleged that the presence of the Christian Kitchen in the High Street Car Park Mission Grove encourages local street drinking & anti-social behaviour. Despite our strong denials and an absence of firm evidence the Council insists we stop using Mission Grove. We are challenging the Council in the High Court, but this will take time and the outcome is far from certain.

Our compromise to relocate onto the Town Hall complex was immediately rejected, with the Council insisting we move to a lay-by off the A406 at the Crooked Billet. This is totally unacceptable - it is too isolated & unsafe and will deter both service users and volunteers. On this coming Monday we are to meet with Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader of the Council, in an effort to find a way forward.

Our petition within the local Catholic churches now has over 600 signatures and I am speaking at masses this Sunday at St Joseph’s in Leyton. We now ask you to urgently email Cllr Loakes and/or the Leader of the Council  and press him to think again and stop persecuting the Christian Kitchen.

It is difficult to believe, but Waltham Forest seems intent on pursuing a strategy of  social cleansing - something even Westminster stopped short of doing last year!!

Please act today and email some common sense to our misguided political leaders

for Christian Kitchen 

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