Friday 26 June 2015

Planning Applications


Rileys Snooker Hall : Planning Application Submitted 
A planning application has now been submitted in relation to the former Riley’s Snooker Hall, located at the corner of Hoe Street and Forest road. This is to demolish this building and convert it into twenty two flats as well as a retail area. You can find full details of this here and I know the Hoe Street Councillors are seeking to secure further details about this proposal. If yo would like to be in contact with them please let me know. 

Dear residents,

Please see the below info on a planning application that has been received for Rileys Snooker Hall at the end of Hoe Street:

A mixed use redevelopment. Demolition of existing snooker hall building. Construction of 6 storey building to provide 22 self contained flats (10 x 1 bed, 9 x 2 bed, 3 x 3 bed). Provision of 275sq.m of retail space, cycle store and refuse collection area.

You can search for details of the planning application that has been received. The attached consultation letter explains how you can view the plans and respond to the planning application.

We would be very interested to hear residents views on the site. Even though it is just outside the ward – it forms part of an important junction in the area and we want to hear community views. Please send on to other networks.

Grace, Stuart and Nadeem

Police Station Forest Road to become 21 flats

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