Friday 30 September 2016

Parks for London

Parks for London

London based charity, Parks for London, has today launched its new name, strapline and logo. Formerly the London Parks & Green Spaces Forum, which was set up as a charity in 2013, Parks for London will continue to provide the leading strategic and representative voice for its supporters and the green space sector in London. The charity is dedicated to promoting and enhancing London’s parks and green spaces; working with the people that own, manage, maintain and use them to keep them thriving, accessible, safe and beautiful. The rebrand comes in light of a decision by trustees to simplify what the charity stands for in a bold and eye-catching way. The new logo and strapline act to further complement the aims of the charity going forward. Tony Leach, Chief Executive of Parks for London said “At Parks for London we believe that life conditions can be improved through the provision of safe, accessible and stimulating parks and green spaces. Safeguarding our parks and green spaces sets out our ultimate ambitions to ensure that these precious resources are protected now and in the future. Whilst the name of the charity has changed, Parks for London’s aims remain the same; advising and informing supporters of developments in the sector, advocating and protecting the existing parks and green spaces now and in the future, and celebrating and promoting the diversity of green infrastructure across London. Sue Ireland, Chairman of the Trustees said: “This is an exciting time for Parks for London. Parks and green spaces across London are facing increasing pressures with funding cuts, and demand for housing. This gives us the opportunity to work with our supporters to find innovative solutions to help secure the future of our parks and green spaces, and work with the private sector to support their ambitions for new green spaces in new developments across London.” ENDS

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