Monday 23 October 2017

Housing for All meeting

Hi Friends

I am just reminding everyone that the next WFTC Housing Action Network is scheduled for next Thursday 26th October at 7.30pm at William Morris Community Centre, Greenleaf Road. E17 6QQ . 

The Housing Crisis at the very centre of the political scene at the moment with Theresa May and Sajid Javid promising all kinds of new initiatives. Meanwhile the Grenfell survivors remain in hotels, young people are having to live in cramped shared houses, and families are still being shunted out of London.

Let's gear up to continue our Housing campaign. Let them know WE'RE STILL HERE!

The Draft Agenda is
1. Our Housing Plan - what next ( I have attached the leaflet we produced for the election in June, and a sheet of questions for council candidates. See attached) Bring along ideas.

2. Reports
(i) The Mall
(ii) Ballots before Regeneration (Corbyn's call at Labour conference)
(iii) Cladding (?)

Hope you can all make it.

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