Friday 17 November 2017

Calais Collection

Warmth from Walthamstow: Calais Collection 

There are still thousands of refugees, including children, sleeping rough in Calais as they live in limbo whilst Governments including our own decide their obligations to them. They face little assistance and severe hostility from both the french authorities and trafficking gangs who prey on vulnerable people in the region. In response, we have organised a ‘Warmth from Walthamstow’ to take warm clothes and food to them ahead of one of the coldest winters predicted in France. We will be going to France on Saturday 9th December- ahead of this we are collecting donations of money or the following: 
  • Small tents, sleeping bags, camping matts, blankets inflatable pillows
  • Medium sized rucksacks.
  • Men’s small -medium clothes and small and medium sized shoes for the outdoor 
  • Leggings for Women 
  • Nuts, Dried fruit especially dates 
  • Ring pull tins fish , same of fruit
  • Instant coffee and long-life milk
  • Paper/polystyrene coffee/tea cups
  • Olive oil and Honey (in plastic containers)
  • Golden syrup and cereal bars
  • Dried chiii flakes, garam masala, fennel seeds, peppercorns 
  • Chocolate bars any size
  • Dried chick peas 
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Wet wipes
  • Men's deodorant 
  • Aspirin/paracetamol
  • Wind up powered torches
  • Batteries 
  • Tarpaulins
  • Hot water bottles
  • Second-hand phones
Items can be dropped off at the Labour Party office on Orford Road from Friday 17thNovember- 27th November 2017 between 10am-4pm. 

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