Tuesday 11 December 2018

Planning Updates 11-12-18


The planning officer who has been dealing with the Town Centre development has taken up a new job at the LB of Sutton.


The ex Poll Tax offices in Hoe Street are to be demolished and 91 new flats provided in a tower block, height unspecified, but if you count the floors in the picture it is 17 storeys. WFN says a planning application has been submitted but it will be some weeks before the planners will get it registered, or else it will be fastracked and clash with Christmas so everyone forgets to put in their objections within the 21 days! Either way we don't have access to the facts!!

Access will only be via First Avenue which is a narrow residential street and on the other side of the railway access to the Central House development is also via narrow residential streets like Stainforth Road and St Marys Road. Tell your friends not to move into this area for the next few years!!

A key objection will be how they think the road network will cope with the construction traffic to the Mall, Central House, Juniper House and the Town Hall Campus all scheduled to start in 2020. Mind you commercial companies know Brexit will damage their plans and the lack of skilled builders will also play a part!


The Planning Committee on the 4th December 2018  approved the closure and redevelopment of the Blackhorse Road Car Park. The development will be 5 to 21 storeys and contain 350 flats.

CRATE - St James Street E17 7PJ by Tesco  - 183259

They also approved 15 large containers 2 storey high which will comprise workshops on the redundant car park.

Sample title


8/9/10 Church End - Welcome Centre, St Mary's Church  - 180314

To fund the refurbishment of St Mary's 11 flats will be constructed by demolishing the existing houses and redeveloping the Welcome Centre.

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