Saturday 17 August 2019

Walthamstow Cricket Club fell 78 healthy trees

Walthamstow Cricket Club

Walthamstow Cricket Club (in Greenway Avenue) has felled 78 mature healthy trees purely to improve their bank balance! They have done a deal with the developer of the Crownlea site who wanted the trees removed to allow their proposed development to be squeezed as close to the boundary as possible. As far as I can establish a planning application has not been submitted for the site so I hope the Planning Committee reject it when it is submitted. The removal of these trees is environmental vandalism and contrary to the Council's declaration of an environmental emergency.

From Buck Walk

Area Action Plan


  1. Serve them right if the application is turned down. The club have obviously felled the trees so Planning have less reason to object to the development.

  2. Absolute barbarians. I suggest events held in their hall should be boycotted by anybody with the tiniest shred of social conscience.


All comments welcome - but please be polite!