Saturday 10 October 2020

Planning for the Future - Government White Paper


Parliament is at present scrutinising the Government's White Paper - Planning for the Future. Below is Civic Voice's comments and you have until the 24th October to make your comments.

This will have a bearing on how Waltham Forest is allowed to develop over the next few years.

Civic Voice's Comments

Comment on the White Paper

Brief description of the Planning Process

In very simple terms the Government sets Planning Policy ( a review is currently underway which will make the Local Plan even more important) by laying down National Policies and Regional Housing Targets. In London’s Case the GLA and Mayor create the London Plan (currently under review) and sets Policies and Targets for the 32 London Boroughs (the City does it’s own thing!).

Waltham Forest is reviewing its Local Plan and is trying to work out how to achieve the target of 27,000 new homes by 2035. It has already consulted on possible sites and decided to separate out these, so the Local Plan is in two parts. Part 1 is the Polices and this will be published in a week or so, but the list of possible sites has already been published and this is what is being consulted on at the moment.

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