For reasons best known to the lawyers the Mayor has been able to delegate planning decisions to the Deputy Mayor (Planning) Jules Pipe who is a GLA officer and an ex-politician having been Mayor of Hackney. Because of the Election the GLA is in purdah which normally means major decision have to wait until the new Mayor is elected on the 6th May, but in the case of the following developments in this Borough that does not appear to apply!
Before LBWF's Planning Committee makes its decision large developments have to be referred to the Mayor/GLA for their view. This is Stage 1 and the following sites have gone through that process and the GLA had its criticisms. LBWF has approved both the Town Centre and 2c Fulbourne Road (Homebase). They still have to decide the Families and Homes Hub (Wood Street library site).
The following links will take you to the Stage 1 reports:
GLA Stage 1 Reports
Homebase/2C Fulbourne Rd GLA Ref 6606 LBWF 202512
Town Centre GLA Ref 6607 LBWF 202491
Families and Homes Hub (Wood Street Library site) GLA Ref 0184 LBWF 210250
Once LBWF has approved the development the Section 106 agreement and the Community Levy have to be negotiated with the developer and sent to City Hall for the GLA to scrutinise - Stage 2.
Current Situation
This is Stage 2 which has now started (6/4/21) as LBWF have submitted the papers to the GLA. The GLA have to validate the information they are sent and then prepare a Stage 2 report and the Mayor has to make a decision within 2 weeks. The Mayor can Approve, Refuse or Call In a plan. If a scheme is Called In the Mayor in effect becomes the planning authority and takes over from the council.
I urge you to get your comments in about these 3 developments as there is not much time for our voices to be heard. I suggest you email your comments as follows:
Deputy Mayor Planning Jules Pipe
Head of Development Management
Case Officers
2c Fulbourne Road
Town Centre TfL
Families and Homes
Unfortunately it's not clear what you're asking us to do and why. Can you please explain in more words?