Saturday 8 July 2023

Gas Works - updated Planning Application Consultation



Another consultation due to amendments to plan caused by the Grenfell trajedy. A second staircase will be provided and a review of the fire precautions has been carried out. It is still being built in the Lea Valley Flood Plain.

Lea Bridge Gas Works


Planning Application 201329   Submitted on the 30th April 2020. A new application expected soon.

A comprehensive phased development comprising demolition of existing buildings and structures, and erection of buildings to provide a mixeduse scheme including 573 residential units (Use Class C3) in 10 buildings ranging from 2 to 18 storeys, 582m2 flexible residential facilities and commercial uses (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, C3, D1and D2), together with public open space; public realm works and landscaping; car and cycle parking; servicing arrangements; sustainable energy measures; formation of new pedestrian and cycle access onto Clementina Road; formation of new pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access onto Orient Way; means of access and circulation

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