Tuesday 26 February 2013

Marsh Lane bridge replacement

From Katy Andrews:

PLEASE NOTE: Due to pressure from Katy and NLLDC this item has been moved from the 5th March to the 26th March Planning Committee. Do come along to the committee meeting at 7.30 in the Council Chamber to give support to Katy and her Lea Valley campaigners.

Leyton Jubilee Park

I have just seen the plans to replace the bridge at Marsh Lane over the Dagenham Brook into Marsh Lane Fields (the southern portion of Leyton Marsh which is NOT within the LVRP boundary but is adjacent, and IS still subject to commuted LammasRights applying to ALL Parishioners of Leyton).

Would mean 3 access points for coaches and heavy goods vehicles - others, from Freight Road ("Orient Way") and from Seymour Road, already existing and usable.

Raising again the possibility of the spur road that local residents fought for 12 years to oppose in the 1980s and 1990s (through RATS, STORRM, NLLDC, WFTUG etc.).

Before and after pics heavily digitally altered - a tree has grown and a wall has been rebuilt in v2. The access track looks like an urban road in v2, complete with black tarmac,fresh road markings and pavements.

Marsh Lane was a footpath until BR built North End Cottage (now Marsh Lane Cottage) at the western end and widened the access track as far as the sidings. The current status is an unadopted Byway Open to All Traffic (ie a private access route following along established customary Right of Way.) 

Replacing the bridge would improve access for vehicular traffic and urbanise the character of the Marsh beyond, but do nothing to improve pedestrian access or make the green space more "attractive" (except to joy riders etc. Perhaps!).
The application does not mention ANY consultation process whatsoever with Marsh Users.

KLA, who carried out the excellent consultations in 2010-11 , have been bounced off the job. No-one seems to know who is now in charge. Ben Frearson who manages the area(X2606) is on leave til 25/02.

The new steps and long ramp replacing the quite recent "safer routes to school" accessroute - which I objected to last year and opposed at Planning Cttee on the grounds it was a waste of public money - would be removed.

The official closing date for objections is tomorrow, 22nd Feb. The application goes to committee on Tues 5th March. The officer's report will be signed ofon Thursday 28th February and is already being written.

Planning Officers are Caron Saunders (who deals with all Olympic Legacy projects) and John Harrison (who deals with the Marshes). 

By Monday morning if at all possible.
Quotes from the WF LDF about green spaces policy would be helpful.
Please get your name down to speak at the PL Cttee mtg. to oppose it on the night too.
If there is no public interest in person it will sail through. Please try to come on the 5th March to stop our fields being ruined by what would be a spur road in all but name.

Residents of Lea Bridge or Leyton wards would be exceptionally helpful. The bridge is in both.
(Two officers have already told me I have no right to object as I live in Walthamstow, as if this was some municipal park rather than part of the Lea ValleMarshes.)

And please try to visit your local councillors' surgeries over the next week and a half and ask for their support.
Please add your own comments!
Please pass this on to LVF, SLM, NLLDC, WFCS etc too!

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