Saturday 4 May 2013

Local Walks with David Boote

Dear local walker
Attached and on the website are details of a short series of new walks : a Leyton history walk through streets, an Epping Forest walk, and another Leyton history walk through streets.  The idea is to take advantage of (hopefully) milder weather to spend a bit longer talking, but still wishing to avoid street lectures, and for the middle walk to keep alive the themes of green open spaces and the whole Waltham Forest borough.  The first walk, 'Celluloid and Paper', is also around a neighbourhood that is changing and will change more in the future.
I am curious about the new Queen Elizabeth Park, and hope to go beyond the Waltham Forest boundary after the Park has partially opened.  Your ideas on how the programme should go from mid-June will be very welcome.
David Boote
Walking Free in Waltham Forest
077 69 665 447  (for use on and close to the day of a walk)

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