Monday 27 May 2013

Planning Committee 4th June

At the Planning Committee meeting on the 4th June at 7.30pm in the Town Hall the councillors will be deciding on two applications we have objected to. Please come along and give your support. The officers report is in favour so it will not be an easy battle to win.

2011/1229      Leytonstone Police Station - conversion to a Free School. The site is far too small for what is proposed.

2013/0039      Vallentin Road, E17 3JH  A five storey block of flats adjacent to the railway and squeezed in to a triangular site with an "amenity" space at the point of the triangle. This is totally out of keeping with the area, an awful place to have to live next to the railway embankment and removes useful industrial land before the Wood Street Area Action Plan has been decided.

God's Own Junk Yard

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