Friday 30 August 2013

Apple Day - volunteers needed

Apple Day

Apple Day 2013

The next Apple Day will be 11-4pm on Saturday 12th October 2013 in the garden of Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road, Walthamstow, London E17 9NH


Teresa and Paul are seeking volunteers to help out at Apple Day on 12th Oct 2013.  Could you donate a cake, assist in the kitchen or help out on a stall to make this as successful as ever? The team are seeking volunteers for the following activities:
  • Cooking & baking : donations of home-made cakes, apple pies, puddings, jams and chutneys. Teresa
  • Kitchen support 10.30 am to 4.30pm Sat 13th : serving refreshments, taking payment: Teresa
  • Event set up 2pm – 5pm Friday 12th, or 9.30am – 11am Saturday: unloading & unpacking crates, setting up stalls, helping with displays. Paul
  • Event support 11 am to 4pm Sat 13th: front desk welcome/donations, litter picking, helping stall holders, assisting visitors, photography. Paul
  • Event take down 4-5.30pm Sat 13th: packing & loading crates, stall storage, litter picking. Paul

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