Friday 18 October 2013

The Marshman Cometh...

The Marshman Cometh...

Join us for an evening gathering on Hackney Marshes in the company of author Gareth E. Rees aka 'Hackney Marshman' and local poet Sam Berkson, author of Life in Transit. Sam will perform a selection of his poems and Gareth will be reading extracts from his upcoming book 'Marshland: Dreams and Nightmares on the edge of London' by candlelight. Gather with us and enter the "liminal space of Olympic legacy, crocodile sightings, decapitated bears, Viking invasions and the hungry predations of property developers" on our marshes!

Meet: Saturday 26th October at 7pm by the old changing rooms on North Marsh, opposite Cow Bridge (the bright green one). If searching on a map, the closest landmark is the Hackney Marshes entrance to the Middlesex Filter Beds which is a 1 minute walk away.

Bring along: Friends, warm waterproof clothing and tealights in jam jars.

Contact: 07779 725747

The night before, Friday 25th October, is our fundraising quiz at the Hare & Hounds. Hope to see you there or at the marsh!

Best Wishes,
Save lea Marshes

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