Saturday 1 March 2014

Green Homes Open House Weekend

Hi all
I'm really excited to be working with the Hornbeam to coordinate a Green Homes open house weekend in Waltham Forest at the end of May!

We're at the beginning stage at the moment looking for people who've done something with their home which either improves energy efficiency, or uses sustainable materials, reclaimed materials, or alternative energy - anything that can be considered 'green'.

Please let me know if you've done anything to your place that fits the bill and would be happy to host an Open House so that people can visit your property and hear/see what you've done over a weekend (date in May still to be confirmed).

Don't worry you don't have to have an eco show home! And we will help you put together some details to give to visitors and will provide volunteers to help manage visits.

The purpose is to inspire and inform the public about the various things we can all do to make our homes more sustainable and have a lower carbon footprint. It would be good to get all sorts of examples so if you've got an idea, just let me know.

Please forward far and wide in the borough!

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sue Wheat
07950 953004

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