Saturday 7 February 2015

Essex Wharf Access

Have just spotted that the drain construction companies' entrance to the depot on the old waterworks land has been moved further eastwards along Lea Bridge Road - somewhere between the ice rink and the riding centre. Maybe someone will recall that this has been made desirable as a result of the entrance to the new Essex Wharf flats complex, but I'm not entirely up to date on that. If this is the case, this appalling development represents another example of knock-on encroachment.

Once the argument for the flats construction was won, the road safety aspect probably makes sense, but I was outraged to witness just now, as I passed by on the bus, that to create the new entrance several trees (including from the row behind the road-facing ones) have been felled, hedgerows/ shrubs destroyed and otherwise uncultivated land is now behind the dreaded Heras fencing. The entrance appears to have taken a very broad slice out of the roadside strip.
Does anyone know any detail of this?

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