Tuesday 6 July 2021

Improve Lea Bridge Area

 Your Views about the Lea Bridge Area

For 25 years we tried to stop the Link Road (Link Road Action Group) coming down through Leyton. It was designed to open up the Lea Valley for development. The Olympics came along and redeveloped the redundant railway land in Stratford and now the developers and planners are turning their eyes once again to Leyton and the potential development of the Lea Valley. This must continue to be resisted as the Lee Valley Park is a vital lung for London and has to be retained as open space.

Despite already allowing the Motion and the Gas Works sites in the Lea Bridge Area and threatening the existing pocket park by Lea Bridge Station the council now want the public's views on how to improve the area.

Before completing this survey, which will take some time, remember the council is also trying to come up with a development plan for Leyton Mills and Spitalfields. The Motion block of flats has been completed and plans are agreed for the Gas Works site and Estate Way leading to thousands of new flats putting pressure on the open space of the Lea Valley which must be protected.

The area under consideration

Work by consultants is also underway for the Leyton Mills and Spitalfields sites. Their initial thoughts are how to comply with the London Plan and build tower blocks for flats with no thought of creating a decent environment for people to live in.

Leyton Mills Development Framework

Leyton Mills Proposals

remember that just up the Lea Valley Enfield is trying to redevelop redundant industrial land as Meridian Waters. If all this development is allowed the North Circular will be one large traffic jam and the various railway lines will be over crowded. There is not the infrastructure to support this level of development in the Lea Valley!

Meridian Water

Meridian Water Masterplan

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