Friday 4 March 2016

Mini Holland 4-3-16

Mini Holland

Lea Bridge Road from Lammas Road to Wood Street will cost £10m.

Cabinet Approval


·         Approved the outlined proposals for sections B to G (Lammas Road to Wood Street) of the Lea Bridge Road “A StreetFor Everyone” Mini-Holland scheme as highlighted in the consultation documents attached in Appendix 1 and 2 with variations from the outcomes of the consultation as set out in Appendix 5.
·         Gave approval to proceed to detailed design and implementation of sections B to G (Lammas Road to Wood Street) of Lea Bridge Road “A Street For Everyone” Mini-Holland scheme with consideration of the bullet point above and subject to formal approval from Transport for London Surface Transport Board.
·         Approved the exploration by officers of the voluntary acquisition or possible compulsory purchase of land in the vicinity of Bakers Arms to further improve the scheme.

7.4.1 The programme will have a positive impact on sustainability by encouraging a shift in transport mode from car use to cycling. This will also contribute to improving the health and well-being of the local community and air quality. The design guide includes an aspiration to employ low energy use equipment e.g. lighting units; using SUDs (sustainable drainage) compliant materials; and following the Council’s Sustainable Procurement Strategy for sourcing materials. It is estimated that the Mini-Holland Programme will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1,000 Tonnes per year. 

7.4.2 During the construction phase of this scheme the Council intends to plant 100 additional trees along the street to improve its overall look and feel.

Markhouse Road Consultation started

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