Friday 15 August 2014

Crossrail 2

Crossrail 2

Dear Claire

> Thank you for your recent query.

> The alignment for the new Crossrail 2 line has changed. In the earlier proposal, the line from Hackney came into Waltham Forest with a tunnel portal (where the line emerges from underground) likely to be somewhere in the Lea Bridge area.

> However, in the latest Transport for London consultation, the route alignment has changed and does not come into Waltham Forest at all. After leaving Hackney, the line turns north and emerges from tunnel just before Tottenham Hale station in the London Borough of Haringey. It therefore has no effect on the SSSI in Waltham Forest.

> The revised alignment will also have no effect on the reopening of Lea Bridge Station.

> Kind regards

> Neil Bullen
> Manager Transport Planning
> London Borough of Waltham Forest

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