Nita Villa
& Dellwood, Forest Rise, Walthamstow, E17 3NN
Construction of 5 storey block of 9
flats together with associated landscaping, bin storage and parking, following
demolition of existing dwelling houses
This site is
the 2 semi-detached houses adjacent to St George’s Court at the Whipps Cross
interchange (formerly roundabout). This is a fascinating example of why
developers complain about the planning process. It appears to be a victory for
Mini Holland!!
2006 June – outline application for 31 flats
refused for various reasons one being:
The likely form of the proposed
development, as shown on the indicative plans, and in particular its height
would result in a detrimental impact on Epping Forest land to the east, which
is within the Metropolitan Green Belt, by reason of visual intrusion, contrary
to policy BHE1 of the adopted Waltham Forest Unitary Development Plan (2006).
It went to
appeal and the Planning Inspector found in January
However, a building with an elevation
of eight storeys in height located close to the side boundaries would appear
cramped and awkward and would diminish the visual amenity of the Green Belt.
The proposal was therefore considered to unacceptably harm the character and appearance
of its surroundings.
2006 December
the outline plan was amended to 28 flats and again refused.
2007 November – new application for 9 flats
refused. On similar grounds as previously:
The site of the proposed development
would be of insufficient size to provide an appropriate setting for what is
likely to be a tall building, and would not result in an appropriate
relationship with the adjacent tall building at St. George’s Court. This would
be contrary to Policy BHE6 of the adopted Waltham Forest Unitary Development
Plan 2006.
2017 December – Pre Application Consultation on a
new plan for 9 flats
view amongst others was:
Officers acknowledged that there is
an absence of consistent building line or typology within this stretch of the
streetscape. However, the proposed mono-pitched roof design would not follow
the predominant roof form within the wider setting and would appear as an alien
form of development within its context. The development is therefore considered
out of character with the locality.
2018 November Public Consultation and 10
objections received.
2020 March – due to go to Planning Committee on
31st March 2020 with a REFUSE recommendation as per officer’s report:
The proposal incorporates means of
vehicular access to the site considered detrimental to road safety whereby (i)
uncontrolled vehicle access into the signal controlled junction poses a serious
risk to road users, (ii) there is no means for vehicles to turn within the site
to exit with a forward gear, (iii) no means of signal control for exit
movements from the site into a signal controlled junction (iv) no safe means
for the site to be serviced by refuse vehicles and other service vehicles.
For decades
access to the site had been off the Whipps Cross roundabout and everyone seemed
relaxed about it. Mini Holland changed all that by converting the roundabout
into a T junction (well sort of!) and now access to the site is directly in to
the junction which Highways says is dangerous!
The planning
officer’s seem relaxed about allowing it permission as the report indicates the
scheme complies with all its policies so what happened to:
The development is therefore
considered out of character with the locality
Has the
wrecking of the street scene and the buffer land for the forest by
Mini Holland removed its character so the only thing stopping another block of flats is a dangerous
access issue!
We live in
strange times!!
Holland has created a large expanse of tarmac leading up to the junction
instead of the green sward that existed before, so how they can claim this is a
benefit I don’t know. They still haven’t finished all the works and the area of
land handed back to the forest is just grass so are trees going to be planted
and if so why was that not done during the winter!!