Friday 24 April 2020

Homebase Forest Road

Homebase Site 2c Fulbourne Road Walthamstow London E17 4EE
201182 - Valid From 09/04/2020
EIA Screening and Scoping Opinion for the demolition and comprehensive redevelopment for up to 700 residential units (Class C3 and including PRS) in buildings of up to 18 storeys, commercial uses, new access arrangements from Forest Road, Car Parking, Provision of new plant and renewable energy equipment; creation of servicing areas and provision of associated services, including waste, refuse, cycle storage, and lighting; and for the laying out of the buildings; routes and open spaces within the development; and all associated works and operations including but not limited to: demolition; earthworks; provision of attenuation infrastructure; engineering operations.

Just as we thought the coronavirus would change the world Waltham Forest continues to imagine an 18 storey tower block looming over Bremer School and Forest Road is the way to finance their new Families' Hub based on the redundant  Wood Street Library building. Hopefully they may find they have no takers for the site and no way of financing it but this is one to watch!

They proudly bragged that the Score Centre  development with 750 flats was the biggest development in the Borough - looks like this one is competing for that tittle!!

From Cabinet Minutes 16th January 2020:
Councillor Williams introduced the report describing the proposals in the report as a good approach. 
Councillor Miller stated that the proposals future proofed the Council’s services and gave thanks to Aiden McManus – Commercial Director of Property and Delivery, Stewart Murray – Strategic Director for Economic Growth and Housing Delivery, Ms Flinders and their respective teams. 
The Leader referred to the importance of considering how we use resources in challenging times and making it easy for people to use them especially should they be vulnerable. 

(2)          approved a Project Delivery Budget of up to £3 million to fund the project management, design, procurement and other costs required to deliver the new Families & Homes Hub and enabling oversite residential development;

(3)          following a full options appraisal, delegate authority to the Commercial Director – Property and Delivery, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance & Governance, to select the optimal procurement and delivery route for the project and to commence the procurement process; and

(4)          noted that this part of Walthamstow and Wood Street is changing rapidly. Master planning work is being undertaken to provide a clear framework for the regeneration of the Wood Street/Forest Road Junction and Forest Road Corridor, including the early stage proposal for a new Children’s Cultural Centre as part of the Willow House redevelopment.A number of other key sites will come forward over the next few years for intensification, development and new homes.


3.) Gateway Site: Due to the prominent location at the junction of Forest Road and Fulbourne Road, new development should be of highest design quality. A sensitive design will be important to minimise impact on the setting of Wood Street library (listed building) and to enhance appearance of the gateway.

4.) Building Height: The site has the potential for a taller building (up to 5/6 storeys), subject to meeting the criteria set out in our preferred policy WS7. Buildings should step down to 3-4 storeys along Fulbourne Road.

5.) Active Frontages and enclosure: Any new development on this site should seek to activate the frontages onto Forest Road and Fulbourne Road. Opportunities to incorporate a small civic space should be explored. New development will need to ensure appropriate enclosure of the space and a set back of the building should be avoided.

7.) Integration in Surrounding Area: The new development should be well integrated, in terms of uses, urban form and design, with neighbouring land uses and development proposals and make a positive contribution to the character of the area. Suitable screening will be required alongside the Homebase boundary.

Gas Works site Leyton


FB Group

Planning Applicatiuon: 201329

Lea Bridge Gas Works 78 Perth Road Leyton London E10 7PB
201329 - Valid From 07/05/2020
A comprehensive phased development comprising demolition of existing buildings and structures, and erection of buildings to provide a mixeduse scheme including 573 residential units (Use Class C3) in 10 buildings ranging from 2 to 18 storeys, 582m2 flexible residential facilities and commercial uses (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, C3, D1and D2), together with public open space; public realm works and landscaping; car and cycle parking; servicing arrangements; sustainable energy measures; formation of new pedestrian and cycle access onto Clementina Road; formation of new pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access onto Orient Way; means of access and circulation

Details of the development

2.5 Gasholder sites form an integral part of the emerging London Plan. They are identified as a strategic source of housing, and are exempt from the commercial floorspace capacity test. The Mayor has also confirmed in his response to the London Plan EIP that they are subject to the 35% Fastrack Approach.
2.6 The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) supports the redevelopment of contaminated brownfield land for housing. It seeks to optimise land for housing. 2.7 St William intend to develop land at Lea Bridge Gasworks, Perth Road, for residential development. The Gasworks site area is 2.64 hectares, and the vision of the project is to create a well-connected urban community uniquely located to access green space and recreation at Leyton Jubilee Park, the Lea Valley and beyond.
2.8 The Berkeley Group has a history of achieving economic and social sustainability objectives through recognised and tested programmes providing benefit to their local communities. These programmes and activities will be applied to the Site to ensure not only that the environment will be enhanced, but that the Applicant will engage with and enhance the local community which will be of benefit in social and economic terms.

What are St William’s plans for the site? St William’s vision is to transform a 6.2 acre redundant utility site into a thriving addition to the existing Lea Bridge community. Our proposals will deliver: • 573 high quality homes including 158 affordable homes; • A 50-place nursery for local children; • New pedestrian and cycle links to Leyton Jubilee Park; • A new community square with play space at the pedestrian site entrance on Clementina Road; • More than two acres of publicly accessible play areas and landscaped open space; • More than 150 new trees; and • A new vehicular access from Orient Way

Latest Consultation 24th April 2020 - was this designed to hide the frequently asked questions? Leaflet distributed in the area on one side encourages people to stay at home due to Coronavirus and on the other side Frequently Asked Questions about the development!

The Score Centre, 100 Oliver Road, Leyton, E10 5JY

At the 31st March Planning Committee Meeting, held via videoconferencing, this mega development was agreed.

The new Score Centre site development, on Council owned land, will provide 750 new homes contributing to the borough’s housing need, with 50 per cent of them affordable. The proposal is that the affordable homes will include family homes of three or more bedrooms.

Officer's Report

Nita Villa and Dellwood update

Due to the coronavirus the planning committee meeting was held via video conferencing and as per the Planning Officer's recommendation it was REFUSED! It is rare for the officers to recommend a refusal  but in this case the world had moved on and Mini Holland destroyed any opportunity to develop the site as the Highways department has decided its entrance is too near the new Whipps Cross interchange. So we have something positive from Min Holland!!

Interestingly the minutes show the following which would indicate no Tory turned up!

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gray, Littlejohn, Pye and Rayner.

Councillors Strathern, Terry and te Velde were present as substitutes.

Councillor Strathern was nominated as Chair for the meeting.

Officer's Report

More Info

EMD Redevelopment

At last the redevelopment of the cinema in Hoe Street, Canon, Granada or EMD, which ever you prefer, looks as if it might go ahead but who knows as the world has completely changed in the last few months!

Anyway you can find the plans on the council's web site at:

Canon Cinema

LBWF EMD Regeneration

A quick synopsis

Restoration and alterations to existing Grade II* listed building, i)including the reinstatement of front gable feature, together with the erection of three storey side and part two, part three storey rear extensions to facilitate the change of use from mixed-use assembly andleisure (Use Class D2) and drinking establishment (Use Class A4) to a mixed use (Sui Generis use class); comprising of a Theatre, together with Retail (Use Class A1), Restaurant and caf� (Use class A3), Drinking Establishment (Use class A4), Education Facility (Use Class D1) and Assembly and Leisure facilities (Use Class D2).