Monday 28 June 2021

Family and Homes Hub Planning Committee

Planning Committee meeting is online Tuesday 29th June at 7pm.

APPROVED on the 29th June.


Planning Permission GRANTED, under reference 210250, subject to conditions, informatives, Stage 2 referral to the Greater London Authority (GLA) and completion of a Unilateral Undertaking with the Heads of Terms set out in the committee report.

Report of Planning Committee

Briefing to Councillors

Saturday 26 June 2021

Forest Road jammed by Mini Holland

 The unnecessary Mini Holland work at the Bell junction has blocked one lane at the junction which is now causing major tailbacks along Forest Road towards the Waterworks. Ignoring the issue about whether people should be using their cars logistic firms are now essential, delivering online orders and those using the buses are seriously delayed and inconvenienced to say nothing of delaying the emergency services. How is this treating everyone the same?

Homebase Update 12


Planning permission was granted by the GLA in April, but inland Homes is just letting the site rot and the graffiti is well underway!

Hylands Road Update

 On the edge of Waltham Forest close to Forest Road and Fyfield Road the council is rebuilding part of the social housing estate called Hylands Road.

Progress so far:

March 2020

March 2021

April 2021

April 2021

May 2021

March 2021

Juniper House Update

Juniper House Topping Out

Progress so far

February 2021

March 2021

April 2021

Saturday 12 June 2021

Local Plan Submission to Government


The Local Plan is a vitally important document which sets in stone for the next 15 years the planning policies the council will use to decide on where and what can be developed in the Borough. This includes the height, massing etc as well as change of use of land i.e. from industrial to residential.

The Council has submitted their Local Plan LP1 - Policies to the Planning Inspectorate for their scrutiny. The Planning Inspectorate's role is to establish if the policies are compliant with Government Polices. If there are disagreements they can call a Public Inquiry and the public can explain to the Inspectors their case. A seriously, time consuming process!!!

Here are the details:

The plans and the public's comments are available on the council's Consultation Site from 10th June to 31st July 2021.
You can search on the site for comments about a particular policy submitted by the public during the consultation process last October.

Saturday 5 June 2021

Town Centre - final decision

 After 7 years of battling with LBWF and C&R (Capital and Regional) The Mayor/GLA has given permission for an outdated, inappropriate development of Walthamstow Town Centre conceived 10 years ago.. The only success the public campaign had was to save the avenue of lime trees. Below is what we can now expect in the Town centre.


New Station Entrance 2024899

GLA Stage 1 Comments 6607

GLA Stage 2 Final Decision

1. C&R's plans were evolved over 10 years ago and are out of date and certainly not fit for purpose post Covid or the fundamental change in retail which is ongoing. Protests were ignored.

2. The Grenfell Inquiry is still underway so it is not yet known whether the current building regulations are fit for purpose, so to risk the lives of our residents who will occupy the 34 and 26 storey tower blocks is irresponsible. Hounslow has already had to evacuate a new development called the Paragon in Brentford due to major fire risks and recently there was a major fire in a block in Poplar. There has already been a fire in the Mall so the regulations are clearly not achieving their purpose which is to protect lives.

3. Affordable Housing - Twice C&R have had to be forced to concede Affordable Housing so what guarantee will there be that any of the flats will be affordable? These flats will not be available to any of the 9,000 residents on the council's Housing Waiting list. All the flats will be for rent so the tenants will have no long term financial gain, but at least C&R will have to foot the build if there are major construction problems with the blocks. They have to pay LBWF £7.3m as compensation which the council has to spend on Social Housing somewhere.

4. Town Square - The open space of the Town Square is to be reduced by 32% because of the expansion of the Mall. Why is it necessary to expand the Mall when shoppers are moving online? In reality there will be no open space for sitting as the children's playground and water feature will take up much of the land by the extended shopping centre. The only space left is between the avenue of lime trees and the bus station, and that has a range of landscape features leaving very little space for just sitting on the grass.

6. The Victoria line is already at capacity (pre Covid) so building another 538 flats in the Town Centre will only increase the congestion. The new entrance to the station, which will be adjacent to the existing Mall entrance, will increase the number of passengers walking across the Town Square to get into the congested station. TfL has no money to build the entrance so will it ever be built?

7. The Street Scene of Walthamstow will be severely damaged by a 34 and 26 storey block alongside Selborne Road, over twice the height of any other nearby building, looming over the local streets. This is no way to build a cohesive community.

8. The Construction Work is planned to take at least 5 years. This is a huge scheme so why would shoppers want to come to a massive building site with all the noise, pollution and traffic congestion when they have now learnt to rely on online shopping? There are also plenty of other more attractive places to go shopping than a building site. This very long construction period will have a major detrimental impact on Walthamstow's economy.

9. C&R were taken over by the South African company Growthpoint . Why do they want to invest £200m in Walthamstow?

10. Open Space Reduced



