Saturday 12 June 2021

Local Plan Submission to Government


The Local Plan is a vitally important document which sets in stone for the next 15 years the planning policies the council will use to decide on where and what can be developed in the Borough. This includes the height, massing etc as well as change of use of land i.e. from industrial to residential.

The Council has submitted their Local Plan LP1 - Policies to the Planning Inspectorate for their scrutiny. The Planning Inspectorate's role is to establish if the policies are compliant with Government Polices. If there are disagreements they can call a Public Inquiry and the public can explain to the Inspectors their case. A seriously, time consuming process!!!

Here are the details:

The plans and the public's comments are available on the council's Consultation Site from 10th June to 31st July 2021.
You can search on the site for comments about a particular policy submitted by the public during the consultation process last October.

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