From the Community Safety Board
Following on from discussions at the Board meeting in September please find attached the briefing note on the new Local Policing model now being adopted by the MPS. This will be discussed at this week’s Board meeting on 22nd November, 2012 at 7:00 pm in Hall B at the SCORE COMMUNITY CENTRE, 100 Oliver Road, Leyton, London E10 5JY.
May I draw your attention to the public access section of the attached which basically is which station offices will be open to the public. Chingford is the proposed 24/7 station at present, but with Leyton Custody being a 24/7 operational station, a new front counter for the wider public may be housed there very shortly. Leyton Station in Francis Road is due to close within weeks, so moving the front counter facility to the Custody Site will ensure the public in the south of the borough will have this facility available. This new custody is at ground level and has full disability access. The MPS also propose 7 other front counters will be open at different stages during the week to enable all sections of our community to engage directly with police.
If you have any comments regarding these proposals please could you email Danny.O' or
The deadline for comments is the 23rd November, 2012.
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