Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Link gets closer
The pedestrian footpath, promised 17 years ago, to link Queens Road Station with Walthamstow Central looks as if it might just happen! Despite the Planning Officer, at the Planning Committee that agreed the Station Car Park 14 storey Travelodge, saying the main benefit to the scheme was the footpath no work has started on it yet. E-mails that have been seen indicate that Network Rail will not allow it to open until the building work is completed. That makes sense for Health and Safety reasons but there is still no sign of work starting so is this just an excuse not to proceed with this useful link?
Station Link
Station Link
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
I know nothing about this so will have to start researching the subject!
In a snail mail letter the council has invited us, because the Government has told them to, to take part in the consultation about
WFCIL - Waltham Forest Community Infrastructure Levy and
PDCS - Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule
In its usual efficient way WF has not yet put the consultation on their web site
Consultation Portal
so no doubt it will be available at Sycamore House and the Libararies!
Some information is available on the CIL site
Put simply it is a new way councils can levy a charge on new developments - what the difference is between this new process and the current Section 106 process will no doubt emerge as we plough through the consultation!!
Interestingly the Palmerston Road development seems to be raising at least £100k through the Section 106 so that would be a good example to see if this new legislation would allow more to be taken from the developer.
In a snail mail letter the council has invited us, because the Government has told them to, to take part in the consultation about
WFCIL - Waltham Forest Community Infrastructure Levy and
PDCS - Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule
In its usual efficient way WF has not yet put the consultation on their web site
Consultation Portal
so no doubt it will be available at Sycamore House and the Libararies!
Some information is available on the CIL site
Put simply it is a new way councils can levy a charge on new developments - what the difference is between this new process and the current Section 106 process will no doubt emerge as we plough through the consultation!!
Interestingly the Palmerston Road development seems to be raising at least £100k through the Section 106 so that would be a good example to see if this new legislation would allow more to be taken from the developer.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Palmerston Road Car Park
Palmerston Road Car Park
On the 5th February the Planning Committee will approve the building of houses on the redundant car park in Palmerston Road. This is a pleasant little development and will make better use of the land as the car park was little used.
Planning Committee
Palmerston Road Car Park
On the 5th February the Planning Committee will approve the building of houses on the redundant car park in Palmerston Road. This is a pleasant little development and will make better use of the land as the car park was little used.
Planning Committee
Change of use from Cinema to Church
The Gala Social Club
The Planning Committee, which meets on the 5th February, will approve the Change of Use from D2 (Assembly and Leisure) to D1 (Place of Worship) to enable the Potters House Church to takeover the old Regal Cinema in Lea Bridge Road which was built in 1928.
The fascinating thing about this is the UKCG wanted to change the use of the Granada (EMD) Cinema to a Place of Worship and the council decided not to allow it and the battle has been raging for many years!
Planning Committee
The Gala Social Club
The Planning Committee, which meets on the 5th February, will approve the Change of Use from D2 (Assembly and Leisure) to D1 (Place of Worship) to enable the Potters House Church to takeover the old Regal Cinema in Lea Bridge Road which was built in 1928.
The fascinating thing about this is the UKCG wanted to change the use of the Granada (EMD) Cinema to a Place of Worship and the council decided not to allow it and the battle has been raging for many years!
Planning Committee
Friday, 25 January 2013
Council Consults on Cycling
Lloyd Park: Just had this news in from the council about cycling around Lloyd Park:
The council has committed to a cycling action plan to improve conditions and facilities for cyclists across the borough. Part of that action plan seeks to open up one-way streets for two-way cycling, and the Lloyd Park area has been selected for a pilot scheme. That pilot scheme is now going through public consultation with a view to be implemented in the spring. As part of the same scheme, we proposed to bring Bedford Road, Dudley Road, Bromley Road, Chandos Avenue, Kenilworth Avenue and Farnan Avenue into a 20mph Zone by virtue of their existing traffic calming features. This helps fulfil the council’s commitment to bring 20mph speed limits to all residential streets in the borough.
The consultation closes on Feb 4th so there isn't much time. If anyone would like more details please contact folpe17@gmail.com and I'll send you the feedback form.
Graffiti Time
Time for some relaxation - take a look at this graffiti art that has appeared over the years in Lloyd Park
Graffiti Art
Graffiti Art
Blackhorse Lane Consultation
Dear Sir or Madam,
You will recall we contacted you in November last year to let you know of MacDonald Egan’s proposals to redevelop the southern end of Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, E17.
The plans, which are part of the wider redevelopment of the Blackhorse Lane industrial area, are to create a high-quality scheme designed to complement the neighbourhood. The proposed scheme features housing, student accommodation, retail units, cafes and a new linear public park giving public access from Blackhorse Lane to High Maynard Reservoir.
Following on from our successful, well-attended exhibitions held at the end of November, we would like to arrange a briefing meeting with your organisation so that we can meet you personally, provide more detail on the plans and receive your feedback.
We are also holding two public exhibitions of the plans at Blackhorse Lane Studios, 114 Blackhorse Lane, E17 6AA, from 2pm to 7.30pm on Friday 1 February and 10am to 2pm on Saturday 2 February, which you are more than welcome to attend.
We will be in touch shortly to see if you would like to arrange a briefing meeting. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries or comments at ben.gascoyne@localdialogue.com or on 020 7357 6606.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Gascoyne
Ben Gascoyne
Direct Dial 020 7036 3521
Switchboard 020 7357 6606
Protect our Bees
Leyton MP comes out fighting for our bees....
Protect our bees
Organic Gardeners fight for the bees.........
Garden Organic and Bees
Coop joins the fight for the pollinators.......
Coop App for Bees
Choose your campaigner........
and even more bee champions!!!
Protect our bees
Organic Gardeners fight for the bees.........
Garden Organic and Bees
Coop joins the fight for the pollinators.......
Coop App for Bees
Choose your campaigner........
and even more bee champions!!!
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
St James Street
This is a fascinating insight into an area we all know but probably haven't taken much notice of.
St James Street history
St James Street history
Monday, 21 January 2013
Potter's House Church to move
The Potters House Christian Fellowship will be holding an open day at the Gala Bingo site in Lea Bridge Road on Saturday 26th January 2013 from 12-2pm for residents to find out more about their planning application to change this building into a church. For anybody wanting to contact the church with an urgent enquiry or for more information on the open day contact Richard Humphrey on 07956342397.
Lap Dancing Controls
** Regulation of Lap Dancing Clubs and Similar Venues**
The Council’s Service is seeking your views as to whether the Council should adopt new powers that will give local people a greater say over the licensing and regulation of lap dancing clubs or other sexual entertainment venues in Waltham Forest. Whilst there are no lap dancing clubs currently operating in Waltham Forest, the increase nationally in the number of such premises in recent years has given rise for concern among many local authorities.
Under the current legislation lap dancing clubs are licensed under the Licensing Act 2003. Under the Act, representations opposing premises licence applications for venues providing lap dancing and similar entertainment can only be based on the four licensing objectives, namely:
• The prevention of crime and disorder;
• Public Safety;
• The prevention of public nuisance
• The protection of children from harm.
As a result, licensing authorities cannot consider the objections of local people and businesses that are based on matters outside the scope of these four objectives. The law has recently been changed to extend local authorities’ powers in relation to sex establishments. The legislation that enables us to licence sex shops and sex cinemas has now been extended to include ‘sexual entertainment venues’ which include lap dancing, pole dancing, table dancing, strip shows, peep shows and live sex shows.
The Council does not have to adopt the new powers however, if the Council where to adopt them, it will have the power to refuse an application on potentially wider grounds than currently permitted and in doing so it will give local people a greater say over the regulation of such premises in their area (such as whether a lap dancing club is appropriate given the character of an area etc.)
The purpose of the consultation is to seek views of elected Members, Residents, Businesses and other stakeholders as to whether the Council should adopt the new powers and if yes, what the extent of our policy on the licensing of sexual entertainment venues in Waltham Forest should be.
To encourage responses the Council have prepared a consultation document, which has been attached. Additional copies along with the proposed draft policy can be found on the Councils website athttp://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/Pages/Services/Licences-sex-establishments.aspx?l1=100006&l2=200063
Copies can also be requested by contacting the Licensing Service by e mail to licensing@walthamforest.gov.uk or by telephone on 020 8496 2230/2266.
Should you wish to respond to the consultation, please ensure that your comments are submitted by 1st March 2013 at the latest. Responses to the consultation may be made electronically via email tolicensing@walthamforest.gov.uk or in writing to the Licensing Service at the above address.
The Waltham Forest Community Safety Board (WF CSB) cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this email; the views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the WF CSB Membership, neither does the publication of any advertisements constitute any endorsement by the WF CSB of the products advertised.
Season’s Greetings
David Knight
WF CSB - Working Towards A Safer Community
C/o Rm. 011
Waltham Forest Town Hall London
E17 4JF
T: 8496 4328
M: 07596 747 364
To find out more about some of the current topics in community safety go to Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/1961knight or to find out more about the CSB go to http://goo.gl/cWP7H
You are welcome to the next Board Meeting on Thursday 24th January 2013 at The Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF 7pm
You are welcome to the next Board Meeting on Thursday 24th January 2013 at The Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF 7pm
Waltham Forest CSB is funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) http://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/policing-and-crime/about-mopac
Big Screen to go?
Hopefully the Big Screen will be removed from the Town Centre. It is barely looked at and wastes over £4,000 of electricity a year. It is an inappropriate back drop to the children's play area. If councillors had listened to residents it would never have been given planning permission, but since when did the planning committee listen to residents!
Big Screen
Big Screen
Friday, 18 January 2013
SLM Research
Here is an example of how careful SLM are in preparing their arguments.
Out of curiosity I was out today on Porters Field with a 30 cm skewer and the results were:
outside the 'reinstated area' it could go all the way though it took quite a lot of pressure.
where the new turf is, there is an impenetrable solid barrier almost everywhere between 10 and 25 cm below the surface. It literally felt like solid concrete (which is presumably what it is) - trying to drive it in with my foot bent the skewer.
I randomly tried 15 points both around the pools and in the relatively dry areas. I only found one spot where the skewer could go to 30cm.
Subtracting the 4cm thickness of the big roll turf this means the topsoil depth measurements in cm were -
13 |
19 |
13 |
26 |
19 |
11 |
14 |
18 |
13 |
6 |
14 |
16 |
18 |
20 |
21 |
The implications are
- they skimped on the topsoil which according to the reinstatement plan was supposed to be average 20cm, the average is 16 from my measurements.
- the solid fill underneath is almost certainly too impenetrable for the ground probe aeration which Sean Dawson claimed was being done
- fixing the drainage problems would I think require drilling thousands of holes or digging trenches across the site and inserting some sort of drainage system
- Even if the waterlogging was fixed, the fact that the topsoil's so shallow and effectively sealed off by the membrane + solid fill layer means the field will probably be very vulnerable to drought in the summer
LVRPA versus SLM
Dear Shaun
Thank you for your email.
You state that 'any development in the area will somehow impact on LM even if it is adjacent to the area of open space.' This is exactly what I was expressing my concern about. Any impact on Leyton Marsh is, and will always continue to be, unacceptable to me and many, many other local people.
I believe it is the duty of the LVRPA to act as guardian of the open spaces under its control and, as such, should be working to re-wild them and manage them for the benefit of the flora and fauna that live and spend time on, in and around them. If this conflicts with a desire to expand your brand or to make money from leisure facilities, then I expect you to put conservation first. As such it is wholly inappropriate to consider rebuilding the ice rink at its present site. In fact, it will make it much harder to defend the surrounding land from development as Essex Wharf goes to show (as I am sure you know, the current ice rink was sited as one reason for granting planning permission).
Would it not be better to site a new ice rink somewhere with better transport links, which is already established as a leisure destination and near to a facility that could use the heat generated by the ice rink? Somewhere in the Olympic Park perhaps?
You say that 'effective communication with the local community is going to be paramount over the coming months'. That suggests to me that you have already made up your mind to develop the existing site, and are trying to find ways to make it as painless as possible. To prove that this is not the case, please can you provide details of the other sites being considered? Please could you also outline your methodology for listening to and responding to the wishes of the local community, so that I can be reassured that decisions about our land - Metropolitan Open Land - aren't made behind closed doors?
I look forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes
On 11 Jan 2013, at 09:39, Dawson, Shaun wrote:
Dear ...Thank you for your letter. I am sorry to hear that the LVRPA’s current actions and messaging are causing you anxiety. Let me assure you that we are mindful of the feelings within the local community on the subject of Leyton Marsh.I shall deal with the matter of the Ice Centre feasibility study as this is understandably the substantive issue. I will get back to you in the next couple of days on the matters you have raised around the list of projects and the 25th Nov meeting.We have never said or implied in statements that we are considering expanding the IC at its current site. Let me set out in a bit more detail what our position is. The highly successful and very popular IC is 28 years old and we need to consider options for the future. There are a wide range of options from invest in the current facility and carry on as is for another 5-10 years through to developing a new facility on another site in the Lee Valley. We are currently in the research stage, collating information and assessing the possible options. Naturally one of the many options is to develop a new IC on the existing site. Such an option does not presume developing beyond the current facility boundary. One of the factors we need to consider in the research stage is the importance of Leyton Marsh as an open space and amenity for the local community and assess any potential impact from a development on the existing IC site. The point I was trying to make in my letter to Cllr Rathbone (I accept I should have worded more clearly) was that any development in the area will somehow impact on LM even if it is adjacent to the area of open space. I didn’t mean to suggest that impact means an encroachment on to LM.The research stage will continue for the next few months at the end of which we will have determined which option needs to be taken forward for a more detailed piece of feasibility work. If during the research stage ‘the redevelopment on the existing site’ is considered a serious option we will then engage with the local residents groups ie before any decision on which option/s are taken forward for more detailed work.I hope that I have managed to reassure you on the process we are going through, though I quite understand that in light of recent events on LM there is an air of scepticism within the local community.Effective communication with the local community is going to be paramount over the coming few months and I will ensure that via the Forum and through other means that this is the case.If you require any further clarification or more information please let me know.Yours sincerelyShaun Dawson – Chief ExecutiveDirect Line: 01992 709856Lee Valley Regional Park AuthorityMyddelton House, Bulls Cross, Enfield, EN2 9HGTelephone: 01992 717711 Fax: 01992 719937
Dear Cllrs Elisabeth Davies, Masood Ahmad, Afzal Akram,
A very happy new year to you all.
I am writing to you in your capacities as local Ward councillors for Lea Bridge Ward in Waltham Forest, and I have copied in Cllr Bob Sullivan in his Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Membership capacity, and Cllr Ian Rathbone of Lea Bridge Ward Hackney who received a letter from Shaun Dawson, Chief Executive of the LVRPA in response to correspondence about the reinstatement of Leyton Marsh. Please see that letter attached. It contains a huge shock on the last page
Cllr Ahmad you will be aware, as Chair, that at the autumn meeting of the Lea Bridge Ward Community Forum there was great disappointment amongst our residents with the lack of progress on restoring Leyton Marsh following the building and demolition work for the Olympics, and unanimous opposition to any idea of further building on Leyton Marsh land, and to that end you sent a strongly-worded letter from the Forum to Shaun Dawson (by the way has he replied yet?)
As is well known, the Save Leyton Marsh campaign (now 'Save Lea Marshes Incorporating Save Leyton Marsh') has also challenged the Lea Valley Park Authority in person and by letter to never again build on that land, for many reasons - ecological, environmental, social - just purely human reasons around the need to retain open green space in London. We believe the land is not for the LVRPA to give away to developers. It is Metropolitan Open Land - under the custodianship of the LVRPA who should be protecting it from the threat of encroachment. But what do we find in Shaun Dawson's letter? He describes how Leyton Marsh is under threat - not from external developers but from the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority itself!
In very recent discussions subsequent to this letter, the LVRPA on Twitter and Facebook has suggested that it is just usual practice to include any number of areas into consideration for development projects, and then 'engage with the community' after an individual area has been put into the frame for further feasibility studies. I totally disagree. The community should be involved from the start. But in any case, the communities around Leyton Marsh have already for the past twelve months expressed their views about Leyton Marsh, have seen it taken away from them, have witnessed the excavations of contaminated waste and the horrible damage done: they already know that they are opposed to any further building there. They have expressed this in two major petitions - one to the LBWF, one to the LVRPA. Leyton Marsh should be immediately struck off the list of likely sites for a new ice centre. Local people have one message to the LVRPA: Hands Off Leyton Marsh.
According to the attached letter the LVRPA has already launched research into where their new enlarged ice centre might be built. I know from examining previous LVRPA official papers that the existing ice centre on Lea Bridge Road, apparently having outlived its 'temporary' life of 25 years and being at the end of its techological life, is now assessed as lacking in economies of scale, and that LVRPA estimate they might need a new ice centre with two ice rinks, seating and car parking for thousands of spectators in order to balance the books. This assumption merits being challenged in its own right.
I am not writing to you just to complain. There is a solution, a very straightforward one. Given that the existing ice centre is itself an anachronism on the Lea Bridge Road and an eyesore, given that a low percentage of its patrons are local Clapton or Leyton folk, many people are suggesting that when it is demolished any new ice facility is located in the Queen Elizabeth ex-Olympic Park - where there is much better transport and there will be thousands of people filling the new homes. Just think of how beneficial that would be for Lea Bridge Road as a gateway to Leyton Marsh.
I'm confident that you will seriously consider opposing this new potential encroachment on Leyton Marsh - whether by the LVRPA or anyone else - and that you will support the idea of moving ice skating away from Lea Bridge Road, leaving at least one slice of Leyton Marsh to hold its own, sandwiched as it would be between the new flats on Essex Wharf and the riding centre.
Perhaps our Lea Bridge Ward Community Forum could request Cllr Sullivan to attend our next meeting in February for him listen to our views about this outrageous situation?
I hope to hear from you soon, and I will keep Save Lea Marshes informed. Thankyou for your kind attention,
Best wishes,
Walking Free in Waltham Forest
Subject: Walking Free in Waltham Forest
Dear local walkerAttached is a programme of walks for the early months of this year. Not the season for standing around, so these will not be history walks, but about keeping moving. We also need a bit of shelter whilst we gather at the start. The Waterworks Centre is now open only Thursday to Sunday but provides shelter, car parking and possibly refreshment. The weekday walk is therefore on a Thursday for a while. One walk is timed for sunset and will start at 3.30 pm on the Sunday. Please double check the date and time of each walk before you set out.Even if the weather is very bad I hope to be at the start of a walk. I will try to let you know if I fall ill.If you don't have use of a mobile phone, make sure you get to the start on time.I believe local walks are most useful when the weather is uninviting. You are all welcome to suggest repeating an earlier walk - name a day and time, and I will circulate everyone to see if there are any takers. Two plus me would be a minimum number.Do you share my feeling that it would be worthwhile drawing up a walking map for Waltham Forest, possibly a 'fresh air map' including children's playgrounds and adult exercise areas ?Best wishes for 2013David Boote077 69 665 447 (for use on and close to the day of a walk)
Transition Walthamstow
Classics for Charity Presents: East London Strings: Saturday 19th January 7.30pm, St Marys ChurchPlease come along (no ticket required) for a free and fun concert of light string music together with a selection of solo and choral vocal items in the beautiful setting of the ancient village parish church- including music by: Antonio Vivaldi, Sergei Rachmaninoff, John Ireland, George Frideric Handel, John Williams – see flyer for more detialsInterval refreshments will be provided and there will be a retiring collection with all proceeds donated to the Stroke Association and Macmillan
Transition Walthamstow
Transition Walthamstow is kicking off 2013 with 3 events over the next 3 weeks: on 20th Jan a free Draughtbusting workshop, a WOOFing knowledgeshare on Wed 23rd Jan, and on 5th Feb our Heart & Soul Group.
For those many people who expressed interest in our wholefood buying group, we've been researching the best way to set this up, and will be in touch in the next few days with a proposal for feedback. We're also planning to restart our film screenings next month; get in touch if you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see.
WOOFing Knowledgeshare: Wed 23rd Jan
In April 2012 eager to learn more about the food system and sustainable rural living Naomi and Pip, two community food growers, cycled out of London to explore farms, small holdings, permaculture sites and low impact communities in southwest England & Wales. Now they’re back in London to share what they saw. Organiclea chef Jonny will be providing a healthy organic locally sourced soup in return for a small donation. This is a joint event with Organiclea.
7pm Weds 23rd Jan at the Hornbeam Centre.
Click here for more information.
Draughtbusting workshop: Sun 20 Jan
An average of 10% heat loss occurs through draughts in your house - with today's rising energy bills that's a lot of money! This free workshop will include demonstrations on how to draughtproof windows & doors and fit reflective radiator panels, give attendees hands on practice at fitting them, and information on where you can get high quality materials at cost price locally. Click for more details, and how to book.
Heart & Soul Group: 7pm Weds 6th Feb
The transition to a future with less oil and natural resources will be challenging at times, but much easier if we can tap into that deep and sustainable source of happiness within us and our communities. For the Transition Heart and Soul group love, fellowship and service underpin the Transition vision. Meet like minded souls, and share a meditation and common values over a cup of tea.
Click for more information.
Paul Gasson, on behalf of the Steering Group,Transition Walthamstow
- website: transitionwalthamstow.org.uk
- Twitter @TTWalthamstow
- facebook Transition Walthamstow
- email: TransitionWalthamstow@gmail.
South Grove Plans
South Grove Car Park
The plans have been radically changed since the July 2012
exhibition, apparently because of discussion with the planning officers. It was
hard to grasp the concept as the illustrations were inaccurately drawn. The
street view looked like a façade as the sky could be seen through each window
and there appeared to be no roof!. The front view was not illustrated although
the view from the railway was. Even this must be inaccurate as the railway
looked down on the development whereas it will look up to the development!
Anyway if I have grasped it correctly street level will be
the “underground” car park with the entrance and exits being the side street
that currently serves the Alpha Centre which will be demolished. Unlike the car
park at the new Highams Park Tesco, which was dug out, this will remain at street
level. This will also be the entrance for service vehicles for the store and
flats. On top of this, at first floor level, will be a Morrison supermarket accessed
via a travelator similar to the new Tesco at Highams Park. At second floor
level a vast platform will be created giving amenity space for the three 7/8
storey blocks - 273 flats.
If the illustrations had been accurate I might have been
able to say it would be a real asset to the area, but as the illustrations are
so flawed it is hard to say how good a scheme it will be. If as they say the
car park is at street level and needs to be say 2.5m high and then the store on
top at say 5m high the “deck” for the amenity space will have to be at least 7.5m
above the existing ground level. The railway embankment is approximately 4m
high which means the deck will be level or above the railway. The 3 blocks of 7/8
storey flats are in effect built on the deck so they create a 10/11 storey development.
The density figures for the development were not available. The pillars on the side
of the development are to support the flats to avoid having structural pillars through
the store.
Not being an expert a couple of things struck me. The engineering
to make this development work will be expensive and the plans as released today
are far from the final ones. They hope to submit a planning application in
April which is only 3 months away so either the plans are more developed than
they admit or a lot of architects will be burning the midnight oil!
As to whether Morrison can afford it we are assured their
board has given it the go ahead. The flats management is still being negotiated
so could be a Housing Association or a private developer.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Wassailing traditionally takes place any time from Twelfth Night (6th January, modern Epiphany, Old Christmas Day), and so Katy is organising an evening event of wassail-singing on Saturday evening, 19th January 2013 in the Ferry Boat Inn's ( Ferry Lane, London, London N17 9NG) beautiful apple orchard garden - between the East Lea Channel and the Coppermill Stream - and obviously with good real ale, reasonably priced meals and a roaring real log open fire (illegal) in the listed 17th century pub afterwards!
Morris Dancers will be there and you can buy mulled cider!
Please pass this on!
Hi all
I'm sending this to people who I know are part of our amazing E17 and Waltham Forest networks and would be grateful if you could forward it...
Regular trades include things like: catering for a party, advising on DIY or finances, 'renting out' tools or computer equipment, cooking freezer meals for someone, gardening buddies, designing a leaflet, providing life coaching, pet-sitting, art classes, purchasing gifts, and much more - see http://bit.ly/V0P0Al for ideas. In these cash-strapped times, it's an amazing scheme that helps us save cash and build supportive local networks.
We thought we'd start the new year off well with a bit of 'out with the old, in with the new' - especially useful for recycling some of those not-quite-right Xmas presents or things that you've found in a new year clear-out!
Come along to our New Year 'LETS Trade!' with any items you'd like to auction to other members for Beams on Sat 19th January from 2-4pm.
If you're not a member yet, just come along and you can sign up on the day if you want to - £8 for lifetime membership (£5 for non-waged).
Come along to our New Year 'LETS Trade!' with any items you'd like to auction to other members for Beams on Sat 19th January from 2-4pm.
If you're not a member yet, just come along and you can sign up on the day if you want to - £8 for lifetime membership (£5 for non-waged).
If you don't have anything to bring along, don't worry - you can buy at the auction without selling, or just watch others bid - it's always good fun.
Deryl will be our trusty auctioneer and boy can she drive an exciting bidding war! She's also available to give pool lessons if you fancy some top tips!
If you'd also like to trade some skills on the day (chair massage for instance is always popular!), please let me know.
We'll be meeting in the back room of Ye Olde Rose and Crown, 55 Hoe St, Walthamstow E17 4SA 2-4pm. It will be an informal meet up where people can have a drink and a chat - and do bring along any friends who'd like to enrol.
If you'd also like to trade some skills on the day (chair massage for instance is always popular!), please let me know.
We'll be meeting in the back room of Ye Olde Rose and Crown, 55 Hoe St, Walthamstow E17 4SA 2-4pm. It will be an informal meet up where people can have a drink and a chat - and do bring along any friends who'd like to enrol.
Enrolment and meet other members: 2-3pm. Auction 3-4pm.
Contact us on info@wflets.org if you have any queries.
See you there!
Sue Wheat

Bushwood Area Residents Association
Bushwood Area Residents Association
For those of you who have been around awhile will know that BARA is a large influential residents association. Shortly its new Chair will be Philip Herlihy, he of Community Council fame! He will be moving to the area in the summer.
Friday, 11 January 2013
Lee Valley Park Meetings
Major development projects
As the dust settles on the 2012 Olympic and
Paralympic Games the Authority's
attention turns to a fresh set of business challenges facing it over the next few
years. The following priority areas are set in the context of the 2010-20 Business
Strategy, at the heart of which is the Authority's vision 'By 2020 the Lee Valley
will be a world class leisure destination.
attention turns to a fresh set of business challenges facing it over the next few
years. The following priority areas are set in the context of the 2010-20 Business
Strategy, at the heart of which is the Authority's vision 'By 2020 the Lee Valley
will be a world class leisure destination.
Underlying the Authority's approach across
all business areas is the philosophy
of being 'community focused and commercially driven'. The organisation must
endeavour to deliver accessible and high quality activities and destinations for
its regional constituents whilst at the same time maximising the commercial
potential of all of its assets.
of being 'community focused and commercially driven'. The organisation must
endeavour to deliver accessible and high quality activities and destinations for
its regional constituents whilst at the same time maximising the commercial
potential of all of its assets.
Major development projects
Over the next few years there are 2 sites
which will be taken forward for
development projects; Picketts Lock and the Lea Bridge Road area.
development projects; Picketts Lock and the Lea Bridge Road area.
A feasibility study for a new Ice Centre in
the Park will commence in the next 2
months. The outcome of this study will help to inform the options for Picketts
Lock. Officers are also assessing the options for taking forward the Water Works
following a successful spell as a campsite during the Games. The potential for
the site being developed for visitor accommodation in the short and long term is
being seriously considered.
months. The outcome of this study will help to inform the options for Picketts
Lock. Officers are also assessing the options for taking forward the Water Works
following a successful spell as a campsite during the Games. The potential for
the site being developed for visitor accommodation in the short and long term is
being seriously considered.
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