Tuesday 30 June 2020


I met the architect this morning from JTP and they are anxious to get residents views on what we want built on the Homebase site. I have sent in the following so feel free to take bits and submit them with your own views.


JTP Architects

The first deadline is 6th July

On the 15th July at 6pm there will be a Zoom meeting where he will present his vision for the site based on our comments.

There will be a further chance for comments until the 27th July.

Sign up to this BLOG to keep up to date with how this develops.
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1.      Creation of a Holistic Community
a.      A holistic community that thrives and a street scene that is attractive and low level should be the aim.
b.      A community of families on low to medium incomes with jobs locally so they don't have to travel far for work.
c.       With the council developing their Family Services this site is ideal for family homes sandwiched between 2 schools, the forest and Wood Street shopping centre.
d.      Any building must complement the surrounding Victorian terraces and flats along Fulbourne Road and not be higher than 5 storeys.
e.      Houses should be built and not flats. With thousands of flats being built in Waltham Forest more family homes are desperately needed to house families properly. After the recent pandemic families stuck in flats have had a horrendous experience.
f.        At least 50% of the development to be Social Housing. How is London going to manage without people on low pay rates doing vital jobs?
g.       Workshops are needed to provide jobs (artists/artisan bakeries etc) that have gone from the area as the council has allowed residential to replace industrial/commercial sites. This has meant people now have to travel further for work.
2.      Sustainable
a.      A development that wins awards for its environmental achievements and sustainability.
b.      Buildings which have been properly constructed and need minimum maintenance.
c.       Safe and attractive pedestrian routes to be established throughout the development.
d.      It needs a children’s play area to ensure an attractive active curtilage.
e.      Latest environmental standards have to be adopted to ensure the proper environmental improvements are provided i.e. heat pumps/solar etc. A Neighbourhood power plant to be considered.
f.        Electric car charging points to be generously provided.
g.       No car parking to be allowed and the existing parking on the entrance road to Homebase to be banned. Instead appropriate space for Club Cars i.e. Zip Cars to be allowed for.
h.      Landscaping and planting to be of the highest standard and contracted to be maintained for the first 5 years until it is established.
i.        As much of the existing mature trees and planting to be kept.
3.      Services
a.      The capacity of Woodside School and Bremer school will have to be increased to allow for the increase in population along the Forest Road corridor.
b.      Health Centre capacity including GPs need to be increased to serve an increased population.
c.       Gas, water and electricity supplies to be adequate.

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