Monday 22 June 2020


JUNE 21st 2020
Over the weekend Inland Homes distributed a leaflet to residents of Wood Street and Chapel End Wards. As usual it is spin by the developer trying to make out they want to listen to residents views. The reality is they have usually made up their mind well before contacting residents! This is a typical case of ticking a box but not interested in our views. What is even worse is our councillors have not been informed about what is going on!

It was also announced that the Homebase store would close by Christmas.

Hombase to close

Inland Homes Leaflet

LBWF _ Homebase site

The leaflet from Inland Homes says they will be "holding engagement activities to gather ideas for this site" up until 6th July - that is just 2 weeks for us to put in our suggestions!! On the 15 July they will run a zoom presentation of "their vision". Deadline for any further comment will be 27th July.

That might have been believable except they then go on to say the Planning Application will be submitted in August!  Do they think we are really that stupid! It takes many months to get architects to draw up plans and these days vast numbers of consultants reports have to be submitted as well. If they were serious about listening to our views even August 2021 would be hard to meet!!

The EIA is looking at a development of 700 homes in 18 storey tower blocks so I assume that is the plan they have ready to submit in August!

Their leaflet shows the boundary of the land they own but the council wants to redevelop Willow House and the accountancy company site should also be taken into the development so a proper holistic plan can be put forward.

18 storey tower blocks is not what the Wood Street Area Action Plan was suggesting if the Homebase site ever came up for redevelopment.

Wood Street Area Action Plan

Draft Local Plan

Get on to your councillors and find out what is really going on!

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1 comment:

  1. What a joke ! Taking back control. Obviously the public never have or have ever had any control over what happens once big money gets involved. Flats are built, sold at extortionate prices and nothing is done to improve transport, health care, schools etc. but they do put a bike lane in. All this has to come from central funding which is now empty due to covid economic reasons.


All comments welcome - but please be polite!